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  • 61 energía

    1 energy, activeness, pep, vitality.
    2 energy, capacity to produce work, power.
    * * *
    1 energy, power
    2 figurado vigour (US vigor)
    energía cinética kinetic energy
    energía eléctrica electric power
    energía nuclear nuclear power
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=fuerza) energy, drive
    2) (Téc) power, energy

    energía eléctrica — electric power, electricity

    * * *
    a) (vigor, empuje) energy
    b) ( firmeza) firmness
    * * *
    = drive, energy, fuel, power, liveliness, verve, pizzazz, oomph, pep.
    Ex. Hierarchical bibliometry would act as a positive drive to support the authorship requirements now stipulated by some international editorial committees.
    Ex. Ranganathan proposed five basic types of facets which may occur in many subject fields: personality, matter, energy, space, time.
    Ex. The librarians have instituted a series of campaigns, including displays and leaflets on specific issues, eg energy conservation and fuel debt, rent and rates rebates, and school grants.
    Ex. She added that she felt sorry for the assistant because he had so little power.
    Ex. To infuse into that basic form an element of linguistic liveliness and wit, which marks out the best adult reviewers, is to ask far more than most children can hope to achieve.
    Ex. Much of the verve and shimmer of her lyrics can be connected to the near-fatal liver abscess she suffered in 1996.
    Ex. I wanted to show them an application which not only was database functional, but which itself had some pizzazz as a website.
    Ex. Many recent commentators speak as if they think that computers can painlessly deliver the oomph we need in curriculum.
    Ex. Not a lot of pep however, so this might be the day to curl up with a really challenging book or game.
    * ahorrar energía = save + energy.
    * ahorro de energía = energy conservation, energy saving, savings in energy.
    * compañía de suministro de energía = energy company.
    * Comunidad Europea de la Energía Atómica (Euratom o EAEC) = European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom/EAEC).
    * con energía = powerfully.
    * con mucha energía = high energy.
    * consumir energía = consume + energy, take up + energy.
    * conversión de la energía = energy conversion.
    * dar energía = energise [energize, -USA].
    * de alta energía = high energy.
    * dedicar energía = expend + energy.
    * derrochar energía = waste + energy.
    * energía atómica = nuclear power.
    * energía atómmica = atomic energy.
    * energía cinética = kinetic energy.
    * energía del mar = ocean energy.
    * energía del petróleo = petroleum energy.
    * energía eléctrica = electric power, power, electrical power.
    * energía eólica = wind energy, wind power.
    * energía espiritual = spiritual energy.
    * energía geotérmica = geothermal energy.
    * energía hidroeléctrica = hydroelectric power.
    * energía humana = human energy.
    * energía negativa = bad vibes.
    * energía no renovable = non-renewable energy.
    * energía nuclear = nuclear energy, nuclear power.
    * energía positiva = vibrations, good vibes.
    * energía producto de la fisión = fission energy.
    * energía renovable = renewable energy.
    * energía solar = solar energy.
    * energía térmica = thermal power.
    * energía termosolar = thermal solar power.
    * energía vital = life force.
    * faceta de Energía = Energy facet.
    * física de altas energías = high energy physics.
    * fuente de energía = energy source, source of energy, power source.
    * fuente de energía(s) alternativa(s) = alternative energy source.
    * generador de energía eléctrica = power generator, power unit, electrical generator.
    * generador de energía solar = solar energy generator.
    * impulsado por energía eólica = wind-powered.
    * infundir energía = energise [energize, -USA].
    * liberar energía = blow off + steam, let off + steam.
    * lleno de energía = energetic, feisty [feistier -comp., feistiest -sup.], full of beans.
    * modo de ahorro de energía = power save mode.
    * pletórico de energía = full of beans.
    * que consume mucha energía = energy-intensive, power-hungry.
    * que funciona con energía eólica = wind-powered.
    * rebosante de energía y lleno de entusiasmo = all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
    * rebosante de vida y energía = all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
    * recobrar energía = get + a second wind.
    * recobrar la energía = regain + Posesivo + strength.
    * recuperación de la energía = second wind.
    * recuperar la energía = regain + Posesivo + strength.
    * sin energía = lethargic.
    * transformación de la energía = energy conversion.
    * * *
    a) (vigor, empuje) energy
    b) ( firmeza) firmness
    * * *
    = drive, energy, fuel, power, liveliness, verve, pizzazz, oomph, pep.

    Ex: Hierarchical bibliometry would act as a positive drive to support the authorship requirements now stipulated by some international editorial committees.

    Ex: Ranganathan proposed five basic types of facets which may occur in many subject fields: personality, matter, energy, space, time.
    Ex: The librarians have instituted a series of campaigns, including displays and leaflets on specific issues, eg energy conservation and fuel debt, rent and rates rebates, and school grants.
    Ex: She added that she felt sorry for the assistant because he had so little power.
    Ex: To infuse into that basic form an element of linguistic liveliness and wit, which marks out the best adult reviewers, is to ask far more than most children can hope to achieve.
    Ex: Much of the verve and shimmer of her lyrics can be connected to the near-fatal liver abscess she suffered in 1996.
    Ex: I wanted to show them an application which not only was database functional, but which itself had some pizzazz as a website.
    Ex: Many recent commentators speak as if they think that computers can painlessly deliver the oomph we need in curriculum.
    Ex: Not a lot of pep however, so this might be the day to curl up with a really challenging book or game.
    * ahorrar energía = save + energy.
    * ahorro de energía = energy conservation, energy saving, savings in energy.
    * compañía de suministro de energía = energy company.
    * Comunidad Europea de la Energía Atómica (Euratom o EAEC) = European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom/EAEC).
    * con energía = powerfully.
    * con mucha energía = high energy.
    * consumir energía = consume + energy, take up + energy.
    * conversión de la energía = energy conversion.
    * dar energía = energise [energize, -USA].
    * de alta energía = high energy.
    * dedicar energía = expend + energy.
    * derrochar energía = waste + energy.
    * energía atómica = nuclear power.
    * energía atómmica = atomic energy.
    * energía cinética = kinetic energy.
    * energía del mar = ocean energy.
    * energía del petróleo = petroleum energy.
    * energía eléctrica = electric power, power, electrical power.
    * energía eólica = wind energy, wind power.
    * energía espiritual = spiritual energy.
    * energía geotérmica = geothermal energy.
    * energía hidroeléctrica = hydroelectric power.
    * energía humana = human energy.
    * energía negativa = bad vibes.
    * energía no renovable = non-renewable energy.
    * energía nuclear = nuclear energy, nuclear power.
    * energía positiva = vibrations, good vibes.
    * energía producto de la fisión = fission energy.
    * energía renovable = renewable energy.
    * energía solar = solar energy.
    * energía térmica = thermal power.
    * energía termosolar = thermal solar power.
    * energía vital = life force.
    * faceta de Energía = Energy facet.
    * física de altas energías = high energy physics.
    * fuente de energía = energy source, source of energy, power source.
    * fuente de energía(s) alternativa(s) = alternative energy source.
    * generador de energía eléctrica = power generator, power unit, electrical generator.
    * generador de energía solar = solar energy generator.
    * impulsado por energía eólica = wind-powered.
    * infundir energía = energise [energize, -USA].
    * liberar energía = blow off + steam, let off + steam.
    * lleno de energía = energetic, feisty [feistier -comp., feistiest -sup.], full of beans.
    * modo de ahorro de energía = power save mode.
    * pletórico de energía = full of beans.
    * que consume mucha energía = energy-intensive, power-hungry.
    * que funciona con energía eólica = wind-powered.
    * rebosante de energía y lleno de entusiasmo = all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
    * rebosante de vida y energía = all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
    * recobrar energía = get + a second wind.
    * recobrar la energía = regain + Posesivo + strength.
    * recuperación de la energía = second wind.
    * recuperar la energía = regain + Posesivo + strength.
    * sin energía = lethargic.
    * transformación de la energía = energy conversion.

    * * *
    A ( Fís) energy
    derroche de energía waste of energy
    consumo de energía energy consumption
    fuentes de energía sources of energy
    atomic power
    kinetic energy
    electricity, electric power
    wind power
    water power
    nuclear power, nuclear energy
    solar power, solar energy
    1 (vigor, empuje) energy
    lo acometió con energía he undertook it with great vigor o with great energy o very energetically
    me siento cansada y sin energía(s) I feel tired and lacking in energy
    protestar con energía to protest vigorously
    2 (firmeza) firmness
    tienes que tratarlo con más energía you must be firmer o stricter with him
    * * *

    energía sustantivo femenino
    1 (Fís) energy;
    energía nuclear/solar nuclear/solar power

    a) (vigor, empuje) energy;

    está lleno de energía he's very energetic

    energía sustantivo femenino
    1 energy: nos enseñaron una central de energía solar, they showed us round a solar power station
    energía eléctrica, electricity
    energía nuclear, nuclear power
    2 (de una persona) energy, vitality
    ' energía' also found in these entries:
    - decaer
    - eólica
    - eólico
    - gastar
    - hidráulica
    - hidráulico
    - savia
    - solar
    - absorber
    - ahorrar
    - brío
    - consumir
    - dirigir
    - emplear
    - fuerza
    - ímpetu
    - pérdida
    - transportar
    - vigor
    - bounce
    - burst
    - drive
    - energy
    - go
    - harness
    - life
    - nuclear energy
    - power
    - solar-powered
    - sprightliness
    - stamina
    - bursting
    - energetic
    - nuclear
    - pep
    - wind
    * * *
    1. [para máquina, sistema] power, energy;
    [para el cuerpo, organismo] energy;
    fuentes de energía sources of energy;
    energías alternativas alternative energy sources;
    energía atómica nuclear power o energy;
    energía calórica heat energy;
    Fís energía cinética kinetic energy;
    energía eléctrica electric energy;
    energía eólica wind energy o power;
    energía geotérmica geothermal energy o power;
    energía hidráulica water power;
    energía hidroeléctrica hydroelectric power;
    energía limpia clean energy;
    energía mareomotriz tidal o wave energy;
    energía nuclear nuclear power o energy;
    energía de las olas o del oleaje tidal o wave energy;
    Fís energía potencial potential energy;
    energía radiante radiant energy;
    energías renovables renewable forms of energy;
    energía solar solar energy o power;
    energía térmica thermal energy o power
    2. [vigor físico] energy;
    su trabajo le resta energías his work doesn't leave him much energy;
    hay que empujar con energía you have to push hard
    3. [actitud] vigour, forcefulness;
    defendió su postura con energía she energetically defended her position;
    respondió con energía he responded emphatically
    * * *
    f energy;
    sin energía golpe weak, feeble; persona listless, lacking in energy; hacer algo listlessly;
    con energía hacer algo energetically; chutar hard;
    abrir la puerta con energía fling open the door
    * * *
    : energy
    * * *
    1. (fuerza) energy / power
    energía solar solar energy / solar power
    2. (capacidad) energy

    Spanish-English dictionary > energía

  • 62 Empire, Portuguese overseas

       Portugal was the first Western European state to establish an early modern overseas empire beyond the Mediterranean and perhaps the last colonial power to decolonize. A vast subject of complexity that is full of myth as well as debatable theories, the history of the Portuguese overseas empire involves the story of more than one empire, the question of imperial motives, the nature of Portuguese rule, and the results and consequences of empire, including the impact on subject peoples as well as on the mother country and its society, Here, only the briefest account of a few such issues can be attempted.
       There were various empires or phases of empire after the capture of the Moroccan city of Ceuta in 1415. There were at least three Portuguese empires in history: the First empire (1415-1580), the Second empire (1580-1640 and 1640-1822), and the Third empire (1822-1975).
       With regard to the second empire, the so-called Phillipine period (1580-1640), when Portugal's empire was under Spanish domination, could almost be counted as a separate era. During that period, Portugal lost important parts of its Asian holdings to England and also sections of its colonies of Brazil, Angola, and West Africa to Holland's conquests. These various empires could be characterized by the geography of where Lisbon invested its greatest efforts and resources to develop territories and ward off enemies.
       The first empire (1415-1580) had two phases. First came the African coastal phase (1415-97), when the Portuguese sought a foothold in various Moroccan cities but then explored the African coast from Morocco to past the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa. While colonization and sugar farming were pursued in the Atlantic islands, as well as in the islands in the Gulf of Guinea like São Tomé and Príncipe, for the most part the Portuguese strategy was to avoid commitments to defending or peopling lands on the African continent. Rather, Lisbon sought a seaborne trade empire, in which the Portuguese could profit from exploiting trade and resources (such as gold) along the coasts and continue exploring southward to seek a sea route to Portuguese India. The second phase of the first empire (1498-1580) began with the discovery of the sea route to Asia, thanks to Vasco da Gama's first voyage in 1497-99, and the capture of strong points, ports, and trading posts in order to enforce a trade monopoly between Asia and Europe. This Asian phase produced the greatest revenues of empire Portugal had garnered, yet ended when Spain conquered Portugal and commanded her empire as of 1580.
       Portugal's second overseas empire began with Spanish domination and ran to 1822, when Brazil won her independence from Portugal. This phase was characterized largely by Brazilian dominance of imperial commitment, wealth in minerals and other raw materials from Brazil, and the loss of a significant portion of her African and Asian coastal empire to Holland and Great Britain. A sketch of Portugal's imperial losses either to native rebellions or to imperial rivals like Britain and Holland follows:
       • Morocco (North Africa) (sample only)
       Arzila—Taken in 1471; evacuated in 1550s; lost to Spain in 1580, which returned city to a sultan.
       Ceuta—Taken in 1415; lost to Spain in 1640 (loss confirmed in 1668 treaty with Spain).
       • Tangiers—Taken in 15th century; handed over to England in 1661 as part of Catherine of Braganza's dowry to King Charles II.
       • West Africa
       • Fort/Castle of São Jorge da Mina, Gold Coast (in what is now Ghana)—Taken in 1480s; lost to Holland in 1630s.
       • Middle East
       Socotra-isle—Conquered in 1507; fort abandoned in 1511; used as water resupply stop for India fleet.
       Muscat—Conquered in 1501; lost to Persians in 1650.
       Ormuz—Taken, 1505-15 under Albuquerque; lost to England, which gave it to Persia in the 17th century.
       Aden (entry to Red Sea) — Unsuccessfully attacked by Portugal (1513-30); taken by Turks in 1538.
       • India
       • Ceylon (Sri Lanka)—Taken by 1516; lost to Dutch after 1600.
       • Bombay—Taken in 16th century; given to England in 1661 treaty as part of Catherine of Braganza's dowry for Charles II.
       • East Indies
       • Moluccas—Taken by 1520; possession confirmed in 1529 Saragossa treaty with Spain; lost to Dutch after 1600; only East Timor remaining.
       After the restoration of Portuguese independence from Spain in 1640, Portugal proceeded to revive and strengthen the Anglo- Portuguese Alliance, with international aid to fight off further Spanish threats to Portugal and drive the Dutch invaders out of Brazil and Angola. While Portugal lost its foothold in West Africa at Mina to the Dutch, dominion in Angola was consolidated. The most vital part of the imperial economy was a triangular trade: slaves from West Africa and from the coasts of Congo and Angola were shipped to plantations in Brazil; raw materials (sugar, tobacco, gold, diamonds, dyes) were sent to Lisbon; Lisbon shipped Brazil colonists and hardware. Part of Portugal's War of Restoration against Spain (1640-68) and its reclaiming of Brazil and Angola from Dutch intrusions was financed by the New Christians (Jews converted to Christianity after the 1496 Manueline order of expulsion of Jews) who lived in Portugal, Holland and other low countries, France, and Brazil. If the first empire was mainly an African coastal and Asian empire, the second empire was primarily a Brazilian empire.
       Portugal's third overseas empire began upon the traumatic independence of Brazil, the keystone of the Lusitanian enterprise, in 1822. The loss of Brazil greatly weakened Portugal both as a European power and as an imperial state, for the scattered remainder of largely coastal, poor, and uncolonized territories that stretched from the bulge of West Africa to East Timor in the East Indies and Macau in south China were more of a financial liability than an asset. Only two small territories balanced their budgets occasionally or made profits: the cocoa islands of São Tomé and Príncipe in the Gulf of Guinea and tiny Macau, which lost much of its advantage as an entrepot between the West and the East when the British annexed neighboring Hong Kong in 1842. The others were largely burdens on the treasury. The African colonies were strapped by a chronic economic problem: at a time when the slave trade and then slavery were being abolished under pressures from Britain and other Western powers, the economies of Guinea- Bissau, São Tomé/Príncipe, Angola, and Mozambique were totally dependent on revenues from the slave trade and slavery. During the course of the 19th century, Lisbon began a program to reform colonial administration in a newly rejuvenated African empire, where most of the imperial efforts were expended, by means of replacing the slave trade and slavery, with legitimate economic activities.
       Portugal participated in its own early version of the "Scramble" for Africa's interior during 1850-69, but discovered that the costs of imperial expansion were too high to allow effective occupation of the hinterlands. After 1875, Portugal participated in the international "Scramble for Africa" and consolidated its holdings in west and southern Africa, despite the failure of the contra-costa (to the opposite coast) plan, which sought to link up the interiors of Angola and Mozambique with a corridor in central Africa. Portugal's expansion into what is now Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe (eastern section) in 1885-90 was thwarted by its oldest ally, Britain, under pressure from interest groups in South Africa, Scotland, and England. All things considered, Portugal's colonizing resources and energies were overwhelmed by the African empire it possessed after the frontier-marking treaties of 1891-1906. Lisbon could barely administer the massive area of five African colonies, whose total area comprised about 8 percent of the area of the colossal continent. The African territories alone were many times the size of tiny Portugal and, as of 1914, Portugal was the third colonial power in terms of size of area possessed in the world.
       The politics of Portugal's empire were deceptive. Lisbon remained obsessed with the fear that rival colonial powers, especially Germany and Britain, would undermine and then dismantle her African empire. This fear endured well into World War II. In developing and keeping her potentially rich African territories (especially mineral-rich Angola and strategically located Mozambique), however, the race against time was with herself and her subject peoples. Two major problems, both chronic, prevented Portugal from effective colonization (i.e., settling) and development of her African empire: the economic weakness and underdevelopment of the mother country and the fact that the bulk of Portuguese emigration after 1822 went to Brazil, Venezuela, the United States, and France, not to the colonies. These factors made it difficult to consolidate imperial control until it was too late; that is, until local African nationalist movements had organized and taken the field in insurgency wars that began in three of the colonies during the years 1961-64.
       Portugal's belated effort to revitalize control and to develop, in the truest sense of the word, Angola and Mozambique after 1961 had to be set against contemporary events in Europe, Africa, and Asia. While Portugal held on to a backward empire, other European countries like Britain, France, and Belgium were rapidly decolonizing their empires. Portugal's failure or unwillingness to divert the large streams of emigrants to her empire after 1850 remained a constant factor in this question. Prophetic were the words of the 19th-century economist Joaquim Oliveira Martins, who wrote in 1880 that Brazil was a better colony for Portugal than Africa and that the best colony of all would have been Portugal itself. As of the day of the Revolution of 25 April 1974, which sparked the final process of decolonization of the remainder of Portugal's third overseas empire, the results of the colonization program could be seen to be modest compared to the numbers of Portuguese emigrants outside the empire. Moreover, within a year, of some 600,000 Portuguese residing permanently in Angola and Mozambique, all but a few thousand had fled to South Africa or returned to Portugal.
       In 1974 and 1975, most of the Portuguese empire was decolonized or, in the case of East Timor, invaded and annexed by a foreign power before it could consolidate its independence. Only historic Macau, scheduled for transfer to the People's Republic of China in 1999, remained nominally under Portuguese control as a kind of footnote to imperial history. If Portugal now lacked a conventional overseas empire and was occupied with the challenges of integration in the European Union (EU), Lisbon retained another sort of informal dependency that was a new kind of empire: the empire of her scattered overseas Portuguese communities from North America to South America. Their numbers were at least six times greater than that of the last settlers of the third empire.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Empire, Portuguese overseas

  • 63 Economy

       Portugal's economy, under the influence of the European Economic Community (EEC), and later with the assistance of the European Union (EU), grew rapidly in 1985-86; through 1992, the average annual growth was 4-5 percent. While such growth rates did not last into the late 1990s, portions of Portugal's society achieved unprecedented prosperity, although poverty remained entrenched. It is important, however, to place this current growth, which includes some not altogether desirable developments, in historical perspective. On at least three occasions in this century, Portugal's economy has experienced severe dislocation and instability: during the turbulent First Republic (1911-25); during the Estado Novo, when the world Depression came into play (1930-39); and during the aftermath of the Revolution of 25 April, 1974. At other periods, and even during the Estado Novo, there were eras of relatively steady growth and development, despite the fact that Portugal's weak economy lagged behind industrialized Western Europe's economies, perhaps more than Prime Minister Antônio de Oliveira Salazar wished to admit to the public or to foreigners.
       For a number of reasons, Portugal's backward economy underwent considerable growth and development following the beginning of the colonial wars in Africa in early 1961. Recent research findings suggest that, contrary to the "stagnation thesis" that states that the Estado Novo economy during the last 14 years of its existence experienced little or no growth, there were important changes, policy shifts, structural evolution, and impressive growth rates. In fact, the average annual gross domestic product (GDP) growth rate (1961-74) was about 7 percent. The war in Africa was one significant factor in the post-1961 economic changes. The new costs of finance and spending on the military and police actions in the African and Asian empires in 1961 and thereafter forced changes in economic policy.
       Starting in 1963-64, the relatively closed economy was opened up to foreign investment, and Lisbon began to use deficit financing and more borrowing at home and abroad. Increased foreign investment, residence, and technical and military assistance also had effects on economic growth and development. Salazar's government moved toward greater trade and integration with various international bodies by signing agreements with the European Free Trade Association and several international finance groups. New multinational corporations began to operate in the country, along with foreign-based banks. Meanwhile, foreign tourism increased massively from the early 1960s on, and the tourism industry experienced unprecedented expansion. By 1973-74, Portugal received more than 8 million tourists annually for the first time.
       Under Prime Minister Marcello Caetano, other important economic changes occurred. High annual economic growth rates continued until the world energy crisis inflation and a recession hit Portugal in 1973. Caetano's system, through new development plans, modernized aspects of the agricultural, industrial, and service sectors and linked reform in education with plans for social change. It also introduced cadres of forward-looking technocrats at various levels. The general motto of Caetano's version of the Estado Novo was "Evolution with Continuity," but he was unable to solve the key problems, which were more political and social than economic. As the boom period went "bust" in 1973-74, and growth slowed greatly, it became clear that Caetano and his governing circle had no way out of the African wars and could find no easy compromise solution to the need to democratize Portugal's restive society. The economic background of the Revolution of 25 April 1974 was a severe energy shortage caused by the world energy crisis and Arab oil boycott, as well as high general inflation, increasing debts from the African wars, and a weakening currency. While the regime prescribed greater Portuguese investment in Africa, in fact Portuguese businesses were increasingly investing outside of the escudo area in Western Europe and the United States.
       During the two years of political and social turmoil following the Revolution of 25 April 1974, the economy weakened. Production, income, reserves, and annual growth fell drastically during 1974-76. Amidst labor-management conflict, there was a burst of strikes, and income and productivity plummeted. Ironically, one factor that cushioned the economic impact of the revolution was the significant gold reserve supply that the Estado Novo had accumulated, principally during Salazar's years. Another factor was emigration from Portugal and the former colonies in Africa, which to a degree reduced pressures for employment. The sudden infusion of more than 600,000 refugees from Africa did increase the unemployment rate, which in 1975 was 10-15 percent. But, by 1990, the unemployment rate was down to about 5-6 percent.
       After 1985, Portugal's economy experienced high growth rates again, which averaged 4-5 percent through 1992. Substantial economic assistance from the EEC and individual countries such as the United States, as well as the political stability and administrative continuity that derived from majority Social Democratic Party (PSD) governments starting in mid-1987, supported new growth and development in the EEC's second poorest country. With rapid infrastruc-tural change and some unregulated development, Portugal's leaders harbored a justifiable concern that a fragile environment and ecology were under new, unacceptable pressures. Among other improvements in the standard of living since 1974 was an increase in per capita income. By 1991, the average minimum monthly wage was about 40,000 escudos, and per capita income was about $5,000 per annum. By the end of the 20th century, despite continuing poverty at several levels in Portugal, Portugal's economy had made significant progress. In the space of 15 years, Portugal had halved the large gap in living standards between itself and the remainder of the EU. For example, when Portugal joined the EU in 1986, its GDP, in terms of purchasing power-parity, was only 53 percent of the EU average. By 2000, Portugal's GDP had reached 75 percent of the EU average, a considerable achievement. Whether Portugal could narrow this gap even further in a reasonable amount of time remained a sensitive question in Lisbon. Besides structural poverty and the fact that, in 2006, the EU largesse in structural funds (loans and grants) virtually ceased, a major challenge for Portugal's economy will be to reduce the size of the public sector (about 50 percent of GDP is in the central government) to increase productivity, attract outside investment, and diversify the economy. For Portugal's economic planners, the 21st century promises to be challenging.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Economy

  • 64 entrada

    1 entry.
    hizo una entrada espectacular she made a spectacular entrance
    2 entrance (place).
    entrada entrance, way in (en letrero)
    te espero a la entrada del cine I'll meet you outside the cinema
    entrada principal main entrance
    3 inlet, intake (Tec).
    entrada libre o gratuita admission free
    sacar una entrada to buy a ticket
    5 audience.
    6 down payment (pago inicial). (peninsular Spanish)
    7 income.
    8 starter (plato).
    9 entry.
    10 beginning, start (principio).
    de entrada no me gustó, pero… at first I didn't like it, but…
    me di cuenta de entrada de que algo andaba mal I realized from the start that something was wrong
    11 input (computing).
    12 admission, adit, accession.
    13 receding hairline.
    14 entree.
    15 entry word, entry, entry word in reference book, headword.
    16 turnout, paying spectators.
    17 data entry.
    18 tackle.
    19 aditus.
    past part.
    past participle of spanish verb: entrar.
    * * *
    1 (gen) entrance, entry
    2 (vestíbulo) hall, entrance
    3 (billete) ticket, admission
    4 (público) audience
    5 (recaudación) takings plural, receipts plural; (ingresos) receipts plural, earnings plural
    6 (de libro, oración, etc) opening; (de año, mes) beginning
    7 (pago inicial) down payment, deposit
    9 COCINA entrée, starter
    10 INFORMÁTICA input
    11 DEPORTE tackle
    dar entrada a to let in, allow in
    de entrada (desde el principio) straight away, from the outset 2 (en comida) for starters
    'Prohibida la entrada' "No admittance"
    tener entradas (en la frente) to have a receding hairline
    entrada de capital capital inflow
    entrada principal main entrance
    media-entrada (aforo) half-capacity crowd
    * * *
    noun f.
    4) entrance, entry
    * * *
    1) (=lugar de acceso) entrance

    entrada — way in, entrance

    2) (=vestíbulo) [de casa] hall, entrance hall; [de hotel] foyer
    3) (=llegada)
    a) [a un lugar]

    dar entrada a un lugar — to give access to a place

    nunca podemos platicar, tus visitas son siempre de entrada por salida — we never have time to chat, you're always in and out

    una muchacha de entrada por salida — a non-live-in maid, a daily maid

    b) [de correspondencia] arrival
    c) (Teat) (tb: entrada en escena) entrance (on stage)
    d) (Mús) [de instrumento, voz] entry

    la soprano hizo una entrada muy brusca — the soprano came in very abruptly, the soprano's entry was very abrupt

    e) (Jur) [en un domicilio] entry

    entrada en vigor, tras la entrada en vigor de la ley — after the law came into effect o force

    la entrada en vigor del nuevo presupuesto tendrá lugar en enero — the new budget will take effect from January, the new budget will come into effect o force from January

    4) (=invasión) [de militares] entry; [de turistas, divisas] influx
    5) (=acceso) [a espectáculo] admission, entry; [a país] entry; [a club, institución, carrera] admission

    dar entrada a algn — [en un lugar] to allow sb in; [en club, sociedad] to admit sb

    no le dimos entrada en nuestra sociedad — he was refused entry to our society, we did not admit him to our society

    prohibir la entrada a algn — to ban sb from entering

    6) (=billete) ticket

    media entrada — half price

    sacar una entrada — to buy a ticket

    7) (=público) (Teat) audience; (Dep) crowd, turnout
    8) (=recaudación) (Teat) receipts pl, takings pl ; (Dep) gate money, receipts pl
    9) (=principio) start

    de entrada — [desde el principio] from the start, from the outset; [al principio] at first

    de entrada ya nos dijo que no — he said no from the outset, he said no right from the start

    entrada en materiaintroduction

    10) Esp (=primer pago) [al comprar una vivienda, coche] down payment, deposit

    hay que dar un 20% de entrada — you have to put down a 20% deposit, you have to make a down payment of 20%

    "compre sin entrada" — "no down payment", "no deposit"

    11) (Com) [en libro mayor] entry
    12) (=vía de acceso) (Mec) inlet, intake; (Elec) input
    13) (Inform) input

    entrada de datos — data entry, data input

    14) (Ftbl) tackle
    15) (Culin) starter
    16) [de diccionario] entry
    17) pl entradas
    a) [en el pelo] receding hairline sing
    b) (Econ) income sing
    18) Caribe (=ataque) attack, onslaught; (=asalto) assault; (=paliza) beating
    * * *
    1) ( acción) entrance

    la entrada es gratuitaadmission o entrance is free

    entrada en or (esp AmL) a algo — entry into something

    tuvieron que forzar su entrada en el or al edificio — they had to force an entry into the building

    su entrada en or a escena — her entrance, her appearance on stage

    de entrada: dijo que no de entrada he said no right from the start; lo calé de entrada — (fam) I sized him up right away o (BrE) straightaway

    2) (en etapa, estado)

    entrada en algo: la entrada en vigor del nuevo impuesto — the coming into effect of the new tax

    a) (ingreso, incorporación) entry

    entrada en or (esp AmL) a algo: la entrada de Prusia en la alianza Prussia's entry into the alliance; la fecha de su entrada en el club the date he joined the club; esto le facilitó la entrada a la universidad — that made it easier for him to get into university

    b) (Mús) entry
    a) ( lugar de acceso) entrance

    entrada — entrance, way in

    entrada de artistas — ( en teatro) stage door; ( en sala de conciertos) artists' entrance

    b) ( vestíbulo) hall
    c) ( de tubería) intake, inlet; ( de circuito) input
    5) (Espec)
    a) ( ticket) ticket

    ¿cuánto cuesta la entrada? — how much are the tickets?

    b) ( concurrencia) (Teatr) audience; (Dep) attendance, gate
    c) ( recaudación) (Teatr) takings (pl); (Dep) gate receipts (pl)
    6) ( comienzo) beginning
    7) (Com, Fin)
    a) (Esp) ( depósito) deposit

    pagas $50 de entrada — you pay a $50 down payment o deposit

    b) ( ingreso) income

    entradas y salidas — income and expenditure, receipts and outgoings

    c) ( anotación) entry; ( en diccionario - artículo) entry; (- cabeza de artículo) headword
    8) ( de comida) starter
    a) ( en fútbol) tackle
    b) ( en béisbol) inning
    10) ( en el pelo)
    * * *
    1) ( acción) entrance

    la entrada es gratuitaadmission o entrance is free

    entrada en or (esp AmL) a algo — entry into something

    tuvieron que forzar su entrada en el or al edificio — they had to force an entry into the building

    su entrada en or a escena — her entrance, her appearance on stage

    de entrada: dijo que no de entrada he said no right from the start; lo calé de entrada — (fam) I sized him up right away o (BrE) straightaway

    2) (en etapa, estado)

    entrada en algo: la entrada en vigor del nuevo impuesto — the coming into effect of the new tax

    a) (ingreso, incorporación) entry

    entrada en or (esp AmL) a algo: la entrada de Prusia en la alianza Prussia's entry into the alliance; la fecha de su entrada en el club the date he joined the club; esto le facilitó la entrada a la universidad — that made it easier for him to get into university

    b) (Mús) entry
    a) ( lugar de acceso) entrance

    entrada — entrance, way in

    entrada de artistas — ( en teatro) stage door; ( en sala de conciertos) artists' entrance

    b) ( vestíbulo) hall
    c) ( de tubería) intake, inlet; ( de circuito) input
    5) (Espec)
    a) ( ticket) ticket

    ¿cuánto cuesta la entrada? — how much are the tickets?

    b) ( concurrencia) (Teatr) audience; (Dep) attendance, gate
    c) ( recaudación) (Teatr) takings (pl); (Dep) gate receipts (pl)
    6) ( comienzo) beginning
    7) (Com, Fin)
    a) (Esp) ( depósito) deposit

    pagas $50 de entrada — you pay a $50 down payment o deposit

    b) ( ingreso) income

    entradas y salidas — income and expenditure, receipts and outgoings

    c) ( anotación) entry; ( en diccionario - artículo) entry; (- cabeza de artículo) headword
    8) ( de comida) starter
    a) ( en fútbol) tackle
    b) ( en béisbol) inning
    10) ( en el pelo)
    * * *
    1 = access, entry, influx, membership, accession, admittance, entrée, down payment, tackle, inlet, admission.

    Ex: Access to the contents of data bases is via some computer-searching technique, often using an online terminal.

    Ex: The entry, change, and extraction of word and phrases from abstracts is described in detail in Chapter 9.
    Ex: Many Americans viewed this influx of strangers with alarm.
    Ex: The sharing of expertise through membership of a club of existing users can be valuable.
    Ex: The documents concerning the accession of Greece to the European Communities were published in the official journal in 1979.
    Ex: New rules have made it possible to show films publicly with free admittance.
    Ex: Now that information is being distributed through the visual media, exhibitions can provide an entree for diversified and potentially larger audiences.
    Ex: Programs range from offering affordable on-campus condominiums to lending money for a house down payment.
    Ex: Footage from four decades of English soccer includes hard tackles, pushes and punches from club games.
    Ex: The cell arrival processes on the inlets of the switching element are of a bursty nature.
    Ex: Secondly, the admission of rules incompatible with the general ideology adopted inevitably entails subsequent remedial revision.
    * bandeja de entrada = take-up tray, inbox [in-box].
    * bien entrada la noche = late at night.
    * casillero de entrada = inbox [in-box].
    * conexión de entrada = inlet.
    * dar entrada = enter.
    * dar la entrada para = make + a deposit on.
    * datos de entrada = input data.
    * dispositivo de entrada de información mediante la voz = voice input device.
    * dispositivos de entrada = input equipment.
    * entrada aparatosa = explosive entrance.
    * entrada de aire = air intake.
    * entrada de datos = data entry, input, inputting.
    * entrada de datos sólo una vez = one-time entry.
    * entrada de lleno = plunge into.
    * entrada de nuevo = re-entry [reentry].
    * entrada de vuelta = flowing back.
    * entrada en vigor = entry into force.
    * entrada ilegal = trespass, trespassing.
    * entrada inicial = deposit.
    * entrada precipitada = plunge into.
    * entradas y salidas = comings and goings.
    * fichero de entrada = incoming file.
    * hall de entrada = entrance hall, lobby, entrance foyer.
    * hora de entrada = check-in time.
    * impedir la entrada = keep out.
    * negar la entrada = turn + Nombre + away.
    * norma de entrada de datos = input standard.
    * operario de entrada de datos = data entry operator.
    * paquete de entrada y comprobación de datos = data entry and validation package.
    * precio de entrada = price of admission.
    * prohibida la entrada = no admittance.
    * prohibir la entrada en = ban from.
    * puerta de entrada = entrance gate, entrance door.
    * puerto de entrada = port of entry.
    * punto de entrada = entry point, entrance point, point of entry.
    * rampa de entrada = driveway.
    * registro de entrada = accessions register, accession record.
    * sala de entrada = entrance lobby.
    * señal de entrada prohibida = No Entry sign.
    * sistema de entrada mediante tarjetas = card-entry system.
    * torno de control de entrada = turnstile.
    * válvula de entrada = inlet valve, intake valve.
    * visado de entrada = entry visa.

    2 = entrance, foyer, doorway, gateway, entranceway.

    Ex: Diagrammatic presentation of the layout of the collection conveniently placed, for example, near the entrance.

    Ex: The new library covers 4,700 square metres and shares a foyer with the art gallery.
    Ex: Heads started appearing in the doorway, muttering, 'Oh! So this is the library'.
    Ex: One of the roles of the local library is to act as a gateway to other information sources.
    Ex: The areas surveyed included the circulation and reference areas, the book stacks, the computer terminals, the newspaper reading room, the benches outside of the entranceway, and all other public seating areas.
    * entrada de artistas = stage door.
    * entrada de lectores = public entrance.
    * entrada para automóviles = driveway.
    * entrada para coches = driveway.
    * entrada principal = front entrance, main entrance.
    * esterilla de entrada = doormat.
    * esterilla de la entrada de la casa = welcome mat.

    3 = ticket.

    Ex: Frantic assistants fell over each other's feet trying to retrieve tickets from the rows and rows of issue trays = Los frenéticos auxiliares tropezaban unos con otros intentando coger los tickets de las filas y filas de cajones de préstamo.

    * agencia de venta de entradas = ticket agent, ticket agency.
    * elemento de entrada = entry element.
    * entrada gratis = free ticket.
    * entrada gratuita = free ticket.
    * entrada para otro día = rain cheque [rain check, -USA].
    * revendedor de entradas = ticket tout, ticket scalper.
    * reventa de entradas = scalping.
    * sistema de entrada múltiple = multiple entry system.
    * sistema de entrada única = single entry system.
    * vender todas las entradas de un Evento = sell out.
    * venta de entradas = ticketing.

    Nota: Del pelo.

    Ex: One look at your older brother's receding hairline shows you what's likely ahead.

    5 = entry, heading, index heading, rubric, index record.

    Ex: An entry is a logical grouping of elements arranged in a prescribed order which together constitute a single unit of information to be filed or arranged as such in a register, list, catalogue, etc.

    Ex: A heading is the initial element of an entry, used as the principal filing element when the entry is arranged in an alphabetical listing.
    Ex: If one word is used out of context as an index heading, plainly it will be difficult to establish the interpretation to be placed on the homograph.
    Ex: And, as another instance, it's not fair to employ rubrics for ethnic groups that are not their own, preferred names.
    Ex: Subject indexes consist of a series of index records with each record incorporating a word or phrase describing the subject acting as the access point, and further details.
    * añadir entradas = make + additions.
    * entrada alfabética = alphabetico-specific entry, alphabetical index heading.
    * entrada alfabética de materia = alphabetical subject entry.
    * entrada de autoridades = authority entry.
    * entrada de diario = journal entry.
    * entrada de forma = form entry.
    * entrada de materia = subject entry.
    * entrada de nombre = name entry.
    * entrada de nombre personal = personal name entry.
    * entrada de tesauro = thesaurus entry.
    * entrada directa = direct entry.
    * entrada ficticia = rogue entry.
    * entrada léxica = lexical entry.
    * entrada múltiple = multiple entry.
    * entrada por el título = title main entry.
    * entrada por palabra clave del título = catchword entry.
    * entrada principal = main entry.
    * entrada recíproca = reciprocal entry.
    * entrada secundaria = added entry, additional entry.
    * hacer una entrada = make + entry.
    * palabra de entrada principal = primary entry word.

    * * *
    A (acción) entrance
    hizo su entrada del brazo de su padre she made her entrance on her father's arm
    vigilaban sus entradas y salidas they watched his comings and goings
    [ S ] prohibida la entrada no entry
    la entrada es gratuita admission o entrance is free
    [ S ] entrada libre admission free
    la entrada masiva de divisas the huge inflow of foreign currency
    entrada EN or ( esp AmL) A algo entry INTO sth
    la entrada del ejército en or a la ciudad the entry of the army into the city
    la policía tuvo que forzar su entrada en el or al edificio the police had to force an entry into the building
    su entrada en or a escena fue muy aplaudida her entrance was greeted by loud applause, her appearance on stage was greeted by loud applause
    de entrada: nos dijo que no de entrada he said no at o from the outset, he said no right from the start
    lo calé de entrada ( fam); I sized him up right away o ( BrE) straightaway
    me cayó mal de entrada I disliked him right from the start, I took an immediate dislike to him
    B (en una etapa, un estado) entrada EN algo:
    después de la entrada en vigor del nuevo impuesto after the new tax comes/came into effect o force
    la fecha de entrada en funcionamiento de la nueva central the date for the new power station to begin operating o come into service
    1 (ingreso, incorporación) entry entrada EN or ( esp AmL) A algo:
    la entrada de Prusia en la alianza Prussia's entry into the alliance
    la fecha de su entrada en la empresa/el club the date he joined the company/club
    esto le facilitó la entrada a la universidad this made it easier for him to get into university
    2 ( Mús) entry
    dio entrada a los violines he brought the violins in
    entrada principal main entrance
    [ S ] entrada entrance, way in
    [ S ] entrada de artistas (en un teatro) stage door; (en una sala de conciertos) artists' entrance
    ésta es la única entrada this is the only way in o the only entrance
    te espero a la entrada del estadio I'll wait for you at the entrance to the stadium
    estaban repartiendo estos folletos a la entrada they were handing out these leaflets at the door
    las entradas a León the roads (leading) into León
    3 (de una tubería) intake, inlet; (de un circuito) input
    señal de entrada input signal
    air intake o inlet
    E ( Espec)
    1 (billete, ticket) ticket
    ¿cuánto cuesta la entrada? how much is it to get in?, how much are the tickets?
    ya he sacado las entradas I've already bought the tickets
    los niños pagan media entrada it's half-price for children, children pay half price
    2 (concurrencia) ( Teatr) audience; ( Dep) attendance, gate
    la plaza de toros registró media entrada the bullring was half full
    3 (recaudación) ( Teatr) takings (pl); ( Dep) gate receipts (pl)
    F (comienzo) beginning
    con la entrada del invierno with the beginning o onset of winter
    G ( Com, Fin)
    1 (ingreso) income
    ésa es su única entrada that's her only income
    la suma de sus entradas his total income
    entradas y salidas income and expenditure, receipts and outgoings
    2 (anotación) entry
    3 ( Esp) (depósito) deposit
    dar una entrada para una casa/un coche to put down a deposit on a house/a car
    pagas $50 de entrada y el resto en 48 mensualidades you pay a $50 down payment o deposit and the rest in 48 monthly payments
    4 ( Méx) ( Jueg) ante
    ¿cúal or de cúanto es la entrada? what's the ante?
    H (en un diccionarioartículo) entry; (— cabeza de artículo) headword
    I (de una comida) starter
    J (en fútbol) tackle
    K (en béisbol) inning
    (en el pelo): tiene entradas muy pronunciadas he has a badly receding hairline
    * * *


    entrada sustantivo femenino
    1 ( acción) entrance;
    la entrada es gratuita admission o entrance is free;

    vigilaban sus entradas y salidas they watched his comings and goings;

    ( on signs) prohibida la entrada no entry;
    ( on signs) entrada libre admission free;

    entrada en or (esp AmL) a algo entry into sth;
    forzaron su entrada en el or al edificio they forced an entry into the building;
    de entrada right from the start
    a) (en etapa, estado):

    b) (ingreso, incorporación) entry;

    esto le facilitó la entrada a la universidad that made it easier for him to get into university

    espérame en or a la entrada wait for me at the entrance;

    3 (Espec) ticket;

    4 (Com, Fin)
    a) (Esp) ( depósito) deposit

    5 ( de comida) starter
    6 (Dep)

    7 ( en el pelo):

    entrado,-a adj (un periodo de tiempo) advanced: ya está muy entrado el curso, we're well into the school year
    ♦ Locuciones: entrado en años, advanced in years
    entrada sustantivo femenino
    1 (acceso) entrance
    2 (para espectáculos) ticket
    entrada libre, free admission
    3 (concurrencia, taquilla) Dep gate
    Teat attendance
    4 (vestíbulo) hall
    5 (pago inicial) deposit
    6 (en un grupo, lugar) entry: hizo una entrada triunfal, he made a triumphant entry
    7 Culin starter
    8 Com (ingresos) income
    entrada de divisas, inflow of foreign exchange
    9 (en la cabellera) receding hairline
    10 Ftb tackle
    ♦ Locuciones: de entrada, for a start: de entrada nos negamos a aceptar sus condiciones, for a start we refuse to accept their conditions
    ' entrada' also found in these entries:
    - boca
    - boleto
    - condenar
    - fichar
    - ingreso
    - localidad
    - portal
    - prohibida
    - prohibido
    - reventa
    - sacar
    - sellar
    - tapar
    - tique
    - tíquet
    - vado
    - a
    - adelante
    - aglomeración
    - ajustar
    - antelación
    - asegurar
    - bien
    - bloquear
    - boleta
    - caro
    - coger
    - conseguir
    - cortesía
    - desbloquear
    - entrado
    - franquear
    - impedir
    - negar
    - permitir
    - pórtico
    - prohibir
    - robo
    - servicio
    - sobra
    - triunfal
    - valer
    - admission
    - admittance
    - bar
    - bound
    - break in
    - burglarize
    - cue
    - deposit
    - doorway
    - down payment
    - drive
    - driveway
    - enter
    - entrance
    - entrance fee
    - entrance requirements
    - entry
    - far
    - fee
    - formality
    - free
    - gate
    - gateway
    - hall
    - hallway
    - inlet
    - input
    - intake
    - into
    - keep out
    - midnight
    - mouth
    - pit stop
    - porch
    - prep school
    - scramble
    - stage door
    - starter
    - tackle
    - ticket
    - ticket holder
    - turn up
    - way
    - admit
    - assure
    - ban
    - door
    - down
    - gross
    * * *
    1. [acción] entry;
    prohibida la entrada [en letrero] no entry;
    hizo una entrada espectacular she made a spectacular entrance;
    la entrada del equipo en el campo fue recibida con aplausos applause broke out when the team came out on to the pitch;
    la entrada de nuevos países a la organización the entry of new countries into the organization;
    están en contra de su entrada en la organización they're opposed to him joining the organization;
    su entrada en escena fue triunfal he made a triumphant entrance;
    celebraron su entrada a o [m5] en la sociedad they celebrated her admission into the society;
    se ha aplazado la entrada en funcionamiento de la nueva línea férrea the opening of the new railway o US railroad line has been postponed;
    dar entrada a to let in, to admit
    entrada en vigor:
    hoy se cumple un año de la entrada en vigor de la ley it is a year today since the act came into force
    2. [lugar] entrance;
    [puerta] doorway; [recibidor] entrance hall; Min adit;
    la entrada al teatro estaba llena de admiradores the theatre entrance was packed with admirers;
    se quedó esperando en la entrada she waited at the entrance;
    te espero a la entrada del cine I'll meet you outside the cinema;
    entrada [en letrero] entrance, way in
    entrada principal main entrance;
    entrada de servicio service entrance
    3. Tec inlet, intake;
    conducto/válvula de entrada intake pipe/valve
    entrada de aire air intake
    4. [en espectáculos] [billete] ticket;
    [recaudación] receipts, takings;
    sacar una entrada (a o [m5] para alguien) to buy a ticket (for sb);
    los mayores de 65 años no pagan entrada people over the age of 65 don't have to pay to get in;
    no hay entradas [en letrero] sold out;
    entrada libre o [m5] gratuita [en letrero] admission free
    5. [público] audience;
    [en estadio] attendance;
    el campo registró menos de media entrada the stadium was less than half full
    6. Esp [pago inicial] down payment, deposit;
    hay que pagar un millón de entrada you have to put down a million as a deposit;
    dimos una entrada de dos millones we paid a deposit of two million
    7. [en contabilidad] income
    8. [en un menú] first course, Br starter, US appetizer
    9. [en la frente]
    tener entradas to have a receding hairline
    10. [en un diccionario] entry
    11. [principio] beginning, start;
    la entrada del año the beginning of the year;
    de entrada: de entrada no me gustó, pero… at first I didn't like it, but…;
    de entrada me insultó y luego me explicó sus motivos first she insulted me, then she explained why;
    me di cuenta de entrada de que algo andaba mal I realized from the start o from the word go that something was wrong;
    de entrada lo reconocí I recognized him right from the start
    12. [en fútbol] tackle;
    entrada dura o [m5] violenta heavy challenge;
    entrada en plancha sliding tackle
    13. [en béisbol] inning
    14. Informát input
    entrada de datos data entry, data input;
    entrada-salida input-output, I/O
    15. Mús
    la entrada de los violines es espectacular violins come in very dramatically
    16. Cuba, Méx [paliza] beating
    17. Comp
    Méx, RP Fam
    dar entrada a alguien [flirtear] to flirt with sb;
    de entrada por salida [tiempo] for a moment;
    [persona] paid by the hour
    * * *
    1 acción entry;
    hacer su entrada make one’s entrance
    2 lugar entrance;
    entrada a la autopista on ramp, Br slip road
    3 localidad ticket
    4 pago deposit, downpayment
    entrada del año start o beginning of the year;
    de entrada from the outset, from the start
    6 de comida starter
    entradas pl en frente receding hairline sg
    8 Cu, Méx en béisbol inning
    9 en fútbol tackle;
    hacer una entrada a alguien tackle s.o., make a tackle on s.o.
    * * *
    1) : entrance, entry
    2) : ticket, admission
    3) : beginning, onset
    4) : entrée
    5) : cue (in music)
    6) entradas nfpl
    : income
    entradas y salidas: income and expenditures
    tener entradas : to have a receding hairline
    * * *
    1. (puerta) entrance
    2. (vestíbulo) hall / hallway
    4. (billete) ticket
    5. (admisión) admission
    6. (depósito) deposit
    cuando se compra un piso, se suele dar una entrada when you buy a flat, you usually pay a deposit
    7. (en fútbol) tackle
    ¡qué entrada más dura! what a nasty tackle!
    de entrada at first / to start with

    Spanish-English dictionary > entrada

  • 65 mismo

    same, selfsame, self-same, very same.
    himself, per se, as such, in itself.
    El hombre mismo The man himself. El mismo hombre = The same man.
    * * *
    1 same
    1 same
    yo (ti, etc) mismo,-a myself (yourself, etc)
    con el sr. Suárez por favor --yo mismo may I speak to Mr Suárez please? --speaking
    es lo mismo (la misma cosa) it amounts to the same thing 2 (no importa) it doesn't matter
    lo mismo da it doen't matter
    o lo que es lo mismo that is to say
    ¡por eso mismo! precisely
    volver a las mismas / estar en las mismas to be back at square one
    1 same
    * * *
    (f. - misma)
    1) same
    2) very
    * * *
    1. ADJ
    1) (=igual) same

    respondieron al mismo tiempo — they answered together, they answered at the same time

    el mismo... que — the same... as

    2) [reflexivo]
    valerse 2)
    3) [enfático]
    a) [relativo a personas]

    yo mismo lo vi — I saw it myself, I saw it with my own eyes

    -¿quién responde? -a ver, tú mismo — "who's going to answer?" - "well, why don't you answer yourself!"

    b) [relativo a cosas]

    -¿cuál quieres? -ese mismo — "which one do you want?" - "that one there"

    -¡es un canalla! -eso mismo pienso yo — "he's a swine!" - "my thoughts exactly"

    en todos los países europeos, España misma incluida — in all European countries, including Spain itself

    Ana es la generosidad misma — Ana is generosity itself, Ana is the epitome of generosity

    en ese mismo momentoat that very moment

    por eso mismo, era pobre y por eso mismo su ascenso tiene más mérito — he was poor and for that very reason his promotion is all the more commendable

    4) [como pronombre]

    -¿y qué edad tienes tú? -la misma que él — "and how old are you?" - "I'm the same age as him"

    -¿es usted la señorita Sánchez? -¡la misma! — "are you Miss Sánchez?" - "I am indeed!"


    lo mismo —

    a) (=la misma cosa) the same (thing)

    ¡hombre, no es lo mismo! — it's not the same (thing) at all!

    - son unos canallas -lo mismo digo yo — "they're swine" - "that's (exactly) what I say"

    -¡enhorabuena! -lo mismo digo — "congratulations!" - "likewise" o "the same to you"

    - eres un sinvergüenza -lo mismo te digo — "you're completely shameless" - "you too" o "so are you"

    -¿qué desea de beber? -lo mismo (de antes), por favor — "what would you like to drink?" - "(the) same again, please"

    cuando le interese a él, o lo que es lo mismo, nunca — when it suits him, in other words never

    por lo mismo, no es inteligente y por lo mismo tiene que estudiar el doble — he's not clever, which is exactly why he has to study twice as hard

    lo mismo que, le dijo lo mismo que yo — she told him the same thing o the same as she told me


    dar lo mismo, da lo mismo — it's all the same, it makes no difference

    me da lo mismo, lo mismo me da — I don't mind, it's all the same to me

    c) * (=a lo mejor)

    no lo sé todavía, pero lo mismo voy — I don't know yet, but I may well come

    pídeselo, lo mismo te lo presta — ask him for it; you never know, he may lend it to you


    lo mismo que (=al igual que)

    en Europa, lo mismo que en América — in Europe, (just) as in America

    lo mismo que usted es médico yo soy ingeniero — just as you are a doctor, so I am an engineer

    suspendí el examen, lo mismo que Íñigo — I failed the exam, just like Íñigo

    yo, lo mismo que mi padre, odio el baloncesto — I hate basketball, just like my father


    lo mismo... que (=tanto... como)

    aquí lo mismo te venden una vajilla que una bicicleta — they'll sell you anything here, from a dinner service to a bicycle

    ADV [enfático]

    ahora mismo — (=inmediatamente) right away o now; (=hace un momento) just now

    ahora mismo acabo de hablar con él — I've just been talking to him, I was talking to him only a moment ago

    aquí mismo, -¿dónde lo pongo? -aquí mismo — "where shall I put it?" - "right here"

    así mismo, -¿cómo quieres el filete? -así mismo está bien — "how would you like your steak?" - "it's fine as it is"

    ayer mismo — only yesterday

    hoy mismo, he llegado hoy mismo — I just arrived today

    mañana mismo, llegará mañana mismo — he's arriving tomorrow, no less

    * * *
    - ma adjetivo
    b) (como pron) same

    ¿usted es Pedro Lecue? - el mismo — are you Pedro Lecue? - I am indeed o that's right

    en las mismas: no ha llegado, así que seguimos en las mismas it hasn't arrived so we're no further on; si vienes tú pero falta él, estamos en las mismas — if you come but he doesn't turn up, then we're no better off

    a) (refiriéndose a lugares, momentos, cosas)

    eso mismo pienso yothat's exactly o just what I think


    lo mismo para mí — the same for me, please

    dar lo mismo: me da lo mismo si lo rompe I don't care if he breaks it; le da lo mismo con o sin azúcar he doesn't mind with or without sugar; da lo mismo quién lo haga — it doesn't matter o it makes no difference who does it


    lo mismo(como adv)

    te ve por la calle y lo mismo no te saluda — you can meet him in the street and sometimes he doesn't even say hello to you

    ¿pregúntaselo? lo mismo dice que sí — ask him, he might (well) o may (well) say yes

    lo mismo puedes conseguir caramelos que una botella de whisky — you can get anything, from sweets to a bottle of whiskey

    b) (RPl fam) ( de todos modos) just o all the same, anyway

    nuestra empresa, lo mismo que tantas otras — our company, like so many others

    a) (como pron) (frml)
    b) (como pron relativo) (Méx frml)

    agradecemos su donativo, mismo que fue aplicado a la compra de medicamentos — we thank you for your donation, which has been used to buy medicines


    aquí/ahora mismo — right here/now

    * * *
    = identical, same, equal.
    Ex. The DISPLAY command is identical to the TYPE command except when using a format which includes only a few lines per record.
    Ex. The command function 'SAVE' is used to save a search formulation for later use on the same or another data base on the same system.
    Ex. Collection development should ideally involve de-acquisitions as an on-going program of equal importance.
    * admitido por Uno mismo = self-professed.
    * ahora mismo = right now, just now.
    * a la misma altura que = in the same league as.
    * allí mismo = on the spot, there and then.
    * al mismo nivel de = flush with.
    * al mismo nivel que = on a par with, in the same league as.
    * al mismo tiempo = at once, at the same time, concurrently, in the process, simultaneously, at one and the same time, contemporaneously, at the same instant, in parallel, concomitantly, at the one time, all the while.
    * al mismo tiempo que = in parallel to/with, while, as the same time as, cum, in conjunction with.
    * al mismo tiempo que + Indicativo = whilst + Gerundio.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * apuntar a la misma conclusión = point to + the same conclusion.
    * aquí mismo = right here.
    * a ti mismo = yourself, thyself.
    * a usted mismo = thyself.
    * bajo un mismo techo = under one roof.
    * brillar por Uno mismo = shine on + Posesivo + own.
    * concepto de uno mismo = self-image.
    * conciencia de sí mismo = self-awareness.
    * conciencia de uno mismo = self-awareness.
    * con confianza en uno mismo = self-confident.
    * con el mismo = therewith.
    * con el mismo + Nombre + como el que... = as + Adverbio + as....
    * con el mismo planteamiento que = on the same lines as.
    * confianza en uno mismo = self-belief.
    * conócete a ti mismo = know + thyself.
    * consciente de uno mismo = self-conscious.
    * cuestionario rellenado por uno mismo = self-administered questionnaire.
    * cuidado de uno mismo = self-caring, self-care.
    * definido por uno mismo = self-defined.
    * definir por uno mismo = self-define.
    * de la misma categoría que = in a class with.
    * de la misma forma que = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as), in much the same way as.
    * de la misma manera = by the same token.
    * de la misma manera (que) = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as).
    * del mismo calibre que = in a class with.
    * del mismo modo = exactly, in the same vein, by the same token.
    * del mismo modo que = as, in the form that, in the same way (as), in the same way that, just as, in the same manner (as), along the lines, after the fashion of, similar to, in common with.
    * del mismo + Nombre = equally + Adjetivo.
    * del mismo sexo = same-sex.
    * del mismo tipo que las oficinas = office-type.
    * desde esta misma perspectiva = along the same lines.
    * de una misma manera = in a similar fashion.
    * dirigido hacia uno mismo = self-oriented.
    * dirigido por uno mismo = self-directed.
    * ella misma = herself.
    * él mismo = himself.
    * el mismo + Nombre (+ que) = every bit as much + Nombre (+ as).
    * el mismo número = as many.
    * encerrado en sí mismo = closeted.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el mismo orden que = in sync with.
    * en ese mismo instante = at that very moment.
    * en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
    * en este mismo sentido = along the same lines.
    * en la misma época = contemporaneously.
    * en la misma habitación = ensuite.
    * en la misma línea de = in the vein of.
    * en la misma línea que = in line with.
    * en sí mismo = in itself, unto + Reflexivo, per se.
    * en sí mismos = in themselves.
    * escogido por uno mismo = self-chosen.
    * estar a la misma altura que = rank with.
    * estar al mismo nivel = be on a par.
    * estar en la misma categoría que = rank with.
    * estar en las mismas = be back to square one.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar todos en el mismo barco = be all in the same boat.
    * evidente por sí mismo = self-evident.
    * grupo de personas o cosas de la misma edad o categoría = peer group.
    * hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.
    * hablar por Uno mismo = speak for + Reflexivo.
    * hacer del mismo molde = cast in + the same mould as.
    * hasta el mismo = right up to.
    * imagen de uno mismo = self-presentation.
    * intentar hacer Algo por uno mismo = try + Posesivo + own hand at.
    * justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.
    * la misma persona = one and the same person.
    * la personificación de la confianza en uno mismo = confidence personified.
    * lo mismo ocurre con = the same goes for.
    * lo mismo que = the same as, along the lines of, in much the same way as.
    * lo mismo que antes = the same as before.
    * lo mismo que para = the same as that for.
    * lo mismo se aplica a = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * más de lo mismo = more of the same.
    * mí mismo = myself.
    * mismo, lo = same difference, the.
    * mismo tipo de = same range of.
    * no es lo mismo en el caso de = the same is not true (for/of/with).
    * Nombre + mismo = very + Nombre.
    * nosotros mismos = ourselves.
    * orientado hacia uno mismo = self-oriented.
    * pasar a Alguien lo mismo que a = suffer + the fate of.
    * pensar del mismo modo = think + alike.
    * percepción de uno mismo = self-perception.
    * pero al mismo tiempo = but then again.
    * perseguir los mismos fines = work + on the same lines.
    * perseguir los mismos objetivos = work + on the same lines.
    * poner al mismo nivel que = bring + Nombre + to a par with.
    * por + Pronombre + mismo = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * por sí mismo = for its/their own sake, in itself, itself, unto + Reflexivo.
    * por sí mismos = in themselves.
    * por uno mismo = on + Posesivo + own, for + Reflexivo.
    * presentación de uno mismo = self-presentation.
    * probar a hacer Algo por uno mismo = try + Posesivo + own hand at.
    * quedarse en el mismo sitio = stay + put.
    * que lo hace uno mismo = do-it-yourself (DIY).
    * que se explica por sí mismo = self-explanatory [self explanatory/selfexplanatory].
    * reconocido por Uno mismo, admitido por Uno mismo = self-professed.
    * seguir lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguir siendo lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguridad en uno mismo = self-belief.
    * seguro de sí mismo = assured, self-assured, poised.
    * seguro de uno mismo = self-confident.
    * ser la representación misma de = be a picture of.
    * ser lo mismo = be one and the same.
    * ser un fin en sí mismos = be ends in themselves.
    * siempre lo mismo = the same old thing.
    * tener el mismo destino = suffer + the same fate.
    * tener la misma importancia = carry + equal weight.
    * tener las mismas prerrogativas = have + an equal voice in.
    * todo al mismo tiempo = all at once.
    * tres goles en un mismo partido = hat trick.
    * una misma cosa = one and the same.
    * valerse de sí mismo = self-serve.
    * valérselas por uno mismo = negotiate + Posesivo + way, fly + solo.
    * valerse por sí mismo = self-serve.
    * ver con los mismos ojos = see + eye to eye (with/on).
    * y al mismo tiempo = and in the process, yet.
    * yo mismo = myself.
    * * *
    - ma adjetivo
    b) (como pron) same

    ¿usted es Pedro Lecue? - el mismo — are you Pedro Lecue? - I am indeed o that's right

    en las mismas: no ha llegado, así que seguimos en las mismas it hasn't arrived so we're no further on; si vienes tú pero falta él, estamos en las mismas — if you come but he doesn't turn up, then we're no better off

    a) (refiriéndose a lugares, momentos, cosas)

    eso mismo pienso yothat's exactly o just what I think


    lo mismo para mí — the same for me, please

    dar lo mismo: me da lo mismo si lo rompe I don't care if he breaks it; le da lo mismo con o sin azúcar he doesn't mind with or without sugar; da lo mismo quién lo haga — it doesn't matter o it makes no difference who does it


    lo mismo(como adv)

    te ve por la calle y lo mismo no te saluda — you can meet him in the street and sometimes he doesn't even say hello to you

    ¿pregúntaselo? lo mismo dice que sí — ask him, he might (well) o may (well) say yes

    lo mismo puedes conseguir caramelos que una botella de whisky — you can get anything, from sweets to a bottle of whiskey

    b) (RPl fam) ( de todos modos) just o all the same, anyway

    nuestra empresa, lo mismo que tantas otras — our company, like so many others

    a) (como pron) (frml)
    b) (como pron relativo) (Méx frml)

    agradecemos su donativo, mismo que fue aplicado a la compra de medicamentos — we thank you for your donation, which has been used to buy medicines


    aquí/ahora mismo — right here/now

    * * *
    = identical, same, equal.

    Ex: The DISPLAY command is identical to the TYPE command except when using a format which includes only a few lines per record.

    Ex: The command function 'SAVE' is used to save a search formulation for later use on the same or another data base on the same system.
    Ex: Collection development should ideally involve de-acquisitions as an on-going program of equal importance.
    * admitido por Uno mismo = self-professed.
    * ahora mismo = right now, just now.
    * a la misma altura que = in the same league as.
    * allí mismo = on the spot, there and then.
    * al mismo nivel de = flush with.
    * al mismo nivel que = on a par with, in the same league as.
    * al mismo tiempo = at once, at the same time, concurrently, in the process, simultaneously, at one and the same time, contemporaneously, at the same instant, in parallel, concomitantly, at the one time, all the while.
    * al mismo tiempo que = in parallel to/with, while, as the same time as, cum, in conjunction with.
    * al mismo tiempo que + Indicativo = whilst + Gerundio.
    * a mí también me gustaría tener la misma oportunidad = turnabout is fair play.
    * apuntar a la misma conclusión = point to + the same conclusion.
    * aquí mismo = right here.
    * a ti mismo = yourself, thyself.
    * a usted mismo = thyself.
    * bajo un mismo techo = under one roof.
    * brillar por Uno mismo = shine on + Posesivo + own.
    * concepto de uno mismo = self-image.
    * conciencia de sí mismo = self-awareness.
    * conciencia de uno mismo = self-awareness.
    * con confianza en uno mismo = self-confident.
    * con el mismo = therewith.
    * con el mismo + Nombre + como el que... = as + Adverbio + as....
    * con el mismo planteamiento que = on the same lines as.
    * confianza en uno mismo = self-belief.
    * conócete a ti mismo = know + thyself.
    * consciente de uno mismo = self-conscious.
    * cuestionario rellenado por uno mismo = self-administered questionnaire.
    * cuidado de uno mismo = self-caring, self-care.
    * definido por uno mismo = self-defined.
    * definir por uno mismo = self-define.
    * de la misma categoría que = in a class with.
    * de la misma forma que = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as), in much the same way as.
    * de la misma manera = by the same token.
    * de la misma manera (que) = in the same way (as), in the same manner (as).
    * del mismo calibre que = in a class with.
    * del mismo modo = exactly, in the same vein, by the same token.
    * del mismo modo que = as, in the form that, in the same way (as), in the same way that, just as, in the same manner (as), along the lines, after the fashion of, similar to, in common with.
    * del mismo + Nombre = equally + Adjetivo.
    * del mismo sexo = same-sex.
    * del mismo tipo que las oficinas = office-type.
    * desde esta misma perspectiva = along the same lines.
    * de una misma manera = in a similar fashion.
    * dirigido hacia uno mismo = self-oriented.
    * dirigido por uno mismo = self-directed.
    * ella misma = herself.
    * él mismo = himself.
    * el mismo + Nombre (+ que) = every bit as much + Nombre (+ as).
    * el mismo número = as many.
    * encerrado en sí mismo = closeted.
    * en el mismo centro (de) = plumb in the middle (of).
    * en el mismo número de años = in as many years.
    * en el mismo orden que = in sync with.
    * en ese mismo instante = at that very moment.
    * en ese mismo momento = at that very moment.
    * en este mismo sentido = along the same lines.
    * en la misma época = contemporaneously.
    * en la misma habitación = ensuite.
    * en la misma línea de = in the vein of.
    * en la misma línea que = in line with.
    * en sí mismo = in itself, unto + Reflexivo, per se.
    * en sí mismos = in themselves.
    * escogido por uno mismo = self-chosen.
    * estar a la misma altura que = rank with.
    * estar al mismo nivel = be on a par.
    * estar en la misma categoría que = rank with.
    * estar en las mismas = be back to square one.
    * estar hecho con la mismas dimensiones que el original = be to scale.
    * estar todos en el mismo barco = be all in the same boat.
    * evidente por sí mismo = self-evident.
    * grupo de personas o cosas de la misma edad o categoría = peer group.
    * hablar del mismo modo = talk + alike.
    * hablar por Uno mismo = speak for + Reflexivo.
    * hacer del mismo molde = cast in + the same mould as.
    * hasta el mismo = right up to.
    * imagen de uno mismo = self-presentation.
    * intentar hacer Algo por uno mismo = try + Posesivo + own hand at.
    * justo de la misma manera que = in just the same way as.
    * la misma persona = one and the same person.
    * la personificación de la confianza en uno mismo = confidence personified.
    * lo mismo ocurre con = the same goes for.
    * lo mismo que = the same as, along the lines of, in much the same way as.
    * lo mismo que antes = the same as before.
    * lo mismo que para = the same as that for.
    * lo mismo se aplica a = the same is true (for/of/with).
    * más de lo mismo = more of the same.
    * mí mismo = myself.
    * mismo, lo = same difference, the.
    * mismo tipo de = same range of.
    * no es lo mismo en el caso de = the same is not true (for/of/with).
    * Nombre + mismo = very + Nombre.
    * nosotros mismos = ourselves.
    * orientado hacia uno mismo = self-oriented.
    * pasar a Alguien lo mismo que a = suffer + the fate of.
    * pensar del mismo modo = think + alike.
    * percepción de uno mismo = self-perception.
    * pero al mismo tiempo = but then again.
    * perseguir los mismos fines = work + on the same lines.
    * perseguir los mismos objetivos = work + on the same lines.
    * poner al mismo nivel que = bring + Nombre + to a par with.
    * por + Pronombre + mismo = all by + Reflexivo, by + Reflexivo.
    * por sí mismo = for its/their own sake, in itself, itself, unto + Reflexivo.
    * por sí mismos = in themselves.
    * por uno mismo = on + Posesivo + own, for + Reflexivo.
    * presentación de uno mismo = self-presentation.
    * probar a hacer Algo por uno mismo = try + Posesivo + own hand at.
    * quedarse en el mismo sitio = stay + put.
    * que lo hace uno mismo = do-it-yourself (DIY).
    * que se explica por sí mismo = self-explanatory [self explanatory/selfexplanatory].
    * reconocido por Uno mismo, admitido por Uno mismo = self-professed.
    * seguir lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguir siendo lo mismo = remain + the same.
    * seguridad en uno mismo = self-belief.
    * seguro de sí mismo = assured, self-assured, poised.
    * seguro de uno mismo = self-confident.
    * ser la representación misma de = be a picture of.
    * ser lo mismo = be one and the same.
    * ser un fin en sí mismos = be ends in themselves.
    * siempre lo mismo = the same old thing.
    * tener el mismo destino = suffer + the same fate.
    * tener la misma importancia = carry + equal weight.
    * tener las mismas prerrogativas = have + an equal voice in.
    * todo al mismo tiempo = all at once.
    * tres goles en un mismo partido = hat trick.
    * una misma cosa = one and the same.
    * valerse de sí mismo = self-serve.
    * valérselas por uno mismo = negotiate + Posesivo + way, fly + solo.
    * valerse por sí mismo = self-serve.
    * ver con los mismos ojos = see + eye to eye (with/on).
    * y al mismo tiempo = and in the process, yet.
    * yo mismo = myself.

    * * *
    mismo1 -ma
    no puedo hacer dos cosas al mismo tiempo I can't do two things at once o at the same time
    es la misma historia de siempre it's the same old story
    mismo … QUE:
    le gustan las mismas películas que a mí she likes the same movies as I do o as me
    2 ( como pron) same
    Roma ya no es la misma Rome isn't the same any more
    ¿mi hermana? siempre la misma, no escribe nunca my sister? just the same as ever o she hasn't changed, she never writes
    ¿usted es Pedro Lecue? — el mismo are you Pedro Lecue? — I am indeed o that's right o ( hum) the very same
    mismo QUE:
    es el mismo que vimos ayer it's the same one we saw yesterday
    en las mismas: el pedido no ha llegado, así que seguimos en las mismas the order hasn't arrived so we're no further on
    si vienes el sábado pero faltas mañana, estamos en las mismas if you come on Saturday but you don't turn up tomorrow, then we're no better off o we're back to square one
    (refiriéndose a lugares, momentos, cosas): queda en el centro mismo or en el mismo centro de Lima it's right in the center of Lima, it's in the very center of Lima
    en este mismo instante lo estaba por hacer I was (just) about to do it this very minute
    eso mismo pienso/digo yo that's exactly o just what I think/say
    me resulta difícilpor eso mismo debes esforzarte más I find it difficult — that's just the reason o that's precisely o that's exactly why you have to make more of an effort
    (referiéndose a personas): el obispo mismo salió a recibirlos the bishop himself came out to welcome them
    hablé con el mismísimo presidente I spoke to the president himself
    este niño es el mismísimo diablo this child is a real little devil! ( colloq)
    lo haré yo misma I'll do it myself, I'll deal with it personally
    te perjudicas a ti mismo you're only spiting o hurting yourself
    él mismo lo trajo he brought it himself
    tiene que aprender a valerse por sí mismo he has to learn to manage o cope by himself
    se corta el pelo ella misma she cuts her own hair
    él mismo se pone las inyecciones he gives himself the injections
    lo mismo (la misma cosa): siempre dice lo mismo he always says the same (thing)
    ¿por qué llora? — por lo mismo de siempre why is she crying? — the same as usual o what does she ever cry about?
    si lo haces con aceite ya no es lo mismo if you make it with oil it's not quite the same (thing)
    un café y una tostadalo mismo para mí a coffee and a slice of toast — the same for me, please o I'll have the same, please
    ¡qué elegante te has venido! — lo mismo digo you're looking very smart! — so are you o you, too
    ¡que lo pases bien! — lo mismo (te) digo have a good time — you too o I hope you do too o and you
    lo despidieron o, lo que es lo mismo le dijeron que ya no necesitaban sus servicios they fired him, or at least they told him his services were no longer required, which comes to the same thing
    lo mismo (…) QUE the same (…) AS
    no es lo mismo cocinar para dos que para una familia cooking for a family is quite different from o is not the same as cooking for two
    se murió de lo mismo que su padre he died of the same thing as his father
    pidió lo mismo que yo he ordered the same as me
    dar lo mismo: si sigues así lo vas a romperme da lo mismo if you carry on like that you'll break it — I don't care
    ¿lo quieres con o sin leche? — me da lo mismo do you want it black or white? — I don't mind
    ¿prefieres un cheque o dinero en efectivo? — me da lo mismo, con tal de que me paguen … would you prefer a check or cash? — I don't mind o it makes no difference (to me) o ( BrE) it makes no odds (to me), as long as I get paid
    da lo mismo quién lo haga it doesn't matter o it makes no difference who does it
    1 ( fam)
    (expresando posibilidad): te ve por la calle y lo mismo no te saluda you can meet him in the street and he might not even say hello to you o and sometimes he doesn't even say hello to you
    ¿por qué no le preguntas? lo mismo dice que sí why don't you ask him? he might (well) o may (well) say yes
    lo mismo (…) QUE:
    ¿cuántos años crees que tiene? — lo mismo puede tener cuarenta que cincuenta how old do you think he is? — he could just as easily be forty as fifty o he could be anything from forty to fifty
    lo mismo puedes conseguir un destornillador que una botella de whisky you can get anything, from a screwdriver to a bottle of whiskey
    2 ( RPl fam) (de todos modos) just o all the same, anyway
    ya sé que se va a enojar pero lo mismo se lo voy a decir I know he's going to get annoyed but I'm going to tell him just the same o all the same o anyway
    yo le dije que no había sido yo pero me pegó lo mismo I told her it wasn't me but she still hit me o she hit me anyway
    lo mismo que (al igual que): nuestra empresa, lo mismo que tantas otras, se ha visto afectada por la crisis our company, like so many others, has been affected by the crisis
    si lo mismo que decidiste ir en tren hubieras ido en avión, no habrías contado el cuento if you'd decided to go by plane instead of by train, you wouldn't be here to tell the tale
    1 ( como pron) ( frml):
    se detuvo un coche y tres individuos bajaron del mismo a car pulled up and three individuals got out
    ( Méx frml): agradecemos su generoso donativo, mismo que fue aplicado a la compra de medicamentos we thank you for your generous donation, which has been used to buy medicines
    veintidós millones de estudiantes reanudarán sus clases, mismos que serán atendidos por unos 900 mil maestros twenty-two million students will resume classes, to be taught by some 900 thousand teachers
    (uso enfático): aquí mismo podemos comer we can eat right here
    hoy mismo te mando el cheque I'll send you the check today
    ¿cómo puede ser? si ayer mismo hablé con él y estaba de acuerdo how do you mean? I spoke to him only yesterday and he agreed
    quiero que lo hagas ahora mismo I want you to do it right o ( BrE) straightaway, I want you to do it right now
    B ( RPl fam) (hasta, incluso) even
    se visten muy bien, mismo con la crisis they dress very well, even in these times of shortage
    resultó muy difícil, mismo para él que tiene mucha experiencia it was very difficult, even for him with all his experience
    * * *


    mismo 1
    ◊ -ma adjetivo


    hacer dos cosas al mismo tiempo to do two things at once o at the same time

    el mismo que vimos ayer the same one we saw yesterday
    2 ( uso enfático)
    a) (refiriéndose a lugares, momentos, cosas):

    en este mismo instante this very minute;
    eso mismo pienso yo that's exactly what I think

    te perjudicas a ti mismo you're only hurting yourself;
    ella misma lo trajo she brought it herself
    lo mismo: siempre dice lo mismo he always says the same thing;

    lo mismo para mí the same for me, please;
    nuestra empresa, lo mismo que tantas otras our company, like so many others;
    los niños pueden ir lo mismo que los adultos children can go as well as adults;
    o lo que es lo mismo in other words;
    da lo mismo it doesn't matter;
    me/le da lo mismo I don't care/he/she doesn't care
    mismo 2 adverbio ( uso enfático):
    aquí/ahora mismo right here/now;

    hoy mismo te mando el cheque I'll send you the check today;
    ayer mismo hablé con él I spoke to him only yesterday
    I adjetivo
    1 same
    el mismo acento, the same accent
    2 (uso enfático) el rey mismo apareció en el umbral, the king himself appeared on the threshold
    II pron same: comemos siempre lo mismo, we always eat the same thing
    me da lo mismo, it makes no difference to me
    es el mismo árbol, it's the same tree
    por uno o sí mismo, by oneself
    III adverbio
    1 (intensificador) murió allí mismo, he died right there
    ahora mismo, right now
    2 (por ejemplo) for instance: Pedro mismo te ayudará, Pedro will help you, for instance
    (incluso) yo mismo estoy de acuerdo, even I agree 3 así mismo, likewise

    ' mismo' also found in these entries:
    - abogado
    - actualmente
    - ahora
    - allí
    - aquí
    - aunar
    - ayudarse
    - balancearse
    - bar
    - barco
    - batalla
    - coincidir
    - cojear
    - confianza
    - conforme
    - congénere
    - conmigo
    - consigo
    - contigo
    - continuismo
    - costearse
    - decirse
    - doblete
    - dominio
    - dueña
    - dueño
    - encerrarse
    - encogerse
    - enfoque
    - enviudar
    - esperar
    - igual
    - igualmente
    - intentar
    - machacar
    - meter
    - misma
    - mismamente
    - parecerse
    - presentarse
    - rasero
    - replegarse
    - ruin
    - saber
    - saco
    - satisfecha
    - satisfecho
    - se
    - assurance
    - autograph
    - boat
    - central
    - charity
    - chase
    - close
    - complacent
    - concurrently
    - currently
    - dare
    - day
    - diffidence
    - directly
    - ditto
    - do-it-yourself
    - end
    - equal
    - exam
    - fabric
    - fly
    - follow
    - fuck
    - fund
    - himself
    - itself
    - just
    - lay
    - level
    - likewise
    - maybe
    - middle
    - millionaire
    - myself
    - need
    - neither
    - now
    - number one
    - odds
    - one
    - oneself
    - only
    - outdo
    - overconfident
    - pace
    - par
    - presently
    - price
    - proper
    * * *
    mismo, -a
    1. [igual, idéntico] same;
    son del mismo pueblo they're from the same town/village;
    vive en la misma calle que yo she lives in the same street as me, she lives in my street;
    del mismo color/tipo que the same colour/type as
    2. [para enfatizar lugar, tiempo]
    en este mismo sitio in this very place;
    en aquel mismo momento at that very moment;
    delante de sus mismas narices right in front of his nose;
    eso mismo digo yo that's exactly what I say;
    y por eso mismo deberíamos ayudarles and that is precisely why we should help them
    3. [para reforzar pronombres]
    yo mismo I myself;
    ¿lo hiciste tú mismo? did you do it (by) yourself?;
    él mismo se construyó la casa he built his house (by) himself, he built his own house;
    me dije a mí mismo… I said to myself…;
    por mí/ti mismo by myself/yourself;
    ¡tú mismo! it's up to you!, suit yourself!
    1. [igual cosa o persona]
    el mismo/la misma the same;
    el pueblo ya no era el mismo the town was no longer the same;
    la misma del otro día the same one as the other day;
    el mismo que vi ayer the same one I saw yesterday;
    ¿ése es el presidente? – sí, el mismo (que viste y calza) is that the president? – yes, the very same o yes, that's him all right;
    enviamos un paquete a su oficina, mismo que no ha llegado a destino we sent a package to his office which didn't arrive o but it didn't arrive;
    estar en las mismas to be no further forward
    lo mismo [igual cosa, iguales cosas] the same (thing);
    ¡qué aburrimiento, todos los días lo mismo! how boring, it's the same every day!;
    pónganos otra de lo mismo (the) same again, please;
    lo mismo se pone a hablar contigo que no te saluda one day he might start chatting to you and the next he won't even say hello;
    lo mismo que the same as;
    me gusta lo mismo que a él I like the same things as him;
    yo tengo mis manías, lo mismo que todo el mundo I've got my idiosyncrasies just like everyone else;
    lloraba lo mismo que un niño she was crying like a child;
    me da lo mismo it's all the same to me, I don't mind o care;
    ¿vamos o nos quedamos? – da lo mismo should we go or should we stay? – it doesn't make any difference;
    me da lo mismo I don't care;
    lo mismo digo [como respuesta] likewise, you too;
    más de lo mismo more of the same;
    o lo que es lo mismo [en otras palabras] or in other words;
    por lo mismo for that (very) reason
    3. [tal vez]
    lo mismo llegamos y ya no hay entradas it's quite possible that we might arrive there and find there are no tickets left;
    lo mismo está enfermo maybe o perhaps he's ill, he may be ill;
    lo mismo te saluda que te ignora por completo he's just as likely to say hello to you as to ignore you completely
    4. [antes mencionado]
    hay una cripta y un túnel para acceder a la misma there is a crypt and a tunnel leading to it
    5. RP Fam
    lo mismo [igualmente] still;
    le dije que se callara y lo mismo siguió hablando I told him to be quiet but he still carried on talking o he carried on talking all the same;
    está nevando pero lo mismo el avión va a salir it's snowing but the plane is still going to take off
    1. [para enfatizar]
    lo vi desde mi casa mismo I saw it from my own house;
    ahora/aquí mismo right now/here;
    ayer mismo only yesterday;
    salimos hoy mismo we are leaving this very day;
    llegarán mañana mismo they'll be arriving tomorrow, actually;
    tiene que estar listo para mañana mismo it absolutely has to be ready by tomorrow;
    por eso mismo precisely for that reason
    2. [por ejemplo]
    escoge uno cualquiera, este mismo choose any one, this one, for instance;
    ¿y ahora quién me arregla a mí esto? – yo mismo who's going to fix this for me now? – I will o I'll do it (myself)
    * * *
    I adj same;
    el mismo the (self)same;
    lo mismo the same;
    lo mismo que the same as;
    yo mismo I myself;
    da lo mismo it doesn’t matter, it’s all the same;
    me da lo mismo I don’t care, it’s all the same to me;
    el mismo rey the king himself
    II adv
    aquí mismo right here;
    ahí mismo right there;
    ahora mismo right now, this very minute;
    hoy mismo today, this very day;
    lo mismo llueve que hace sol you never know whether it’s going to be rainy or sunny
    * * *
    mismo adv, (used as an intensifier) : right, exactly
    hazlo ahora mismo: do it right now
    te llamará hoy mismo: he'll definitely call you today
    mismo, -ma adj
    1) : same
    en ese mismo momento: at that very moment
    3) : oneself
    lo hizo ella misma: she made it herself
    por lo mismo : for that reason
    * * *
    mismo1 adj
    1. (igual) same
    2. (uso enfático) myself, yourself, etc
    mismo2 adv
    mismo3 pron same person

    Spanish-English dictionary > mismo

  • 66 conceder

    1 to grant.
    me concedió un deseo he granted me a wish
    le concedí el beneficio de la duda I gave him the benefit of the doubt
    no concede entrevistas she doesn't give interviews
    ¿me concede cinco minutos? could you give o spare me five minutes?
    2 to admit, to concede.
    3 to give.
    4 to allow to.
    * * *
    1 (otorgar) to grant, concede; (premio) to award
    2 (atribuir) to give, attach
    3 (oportunidad, tiempo) to give
    4 (admitir) to concede, admit
    * * *
    1) to award, grant
    2) concede, admit
    * * *
    1) (=dar) [+ beca, premio] to award, grant; [+ crédito, permiso, deseo, entrevista] to grant

    ¿me concede el honor de este baile? — may I have the pleasure of this dance?

    2) frm (=admitir) to concede, admit

    concedo que el error fue míoI concede o admit it was my mistake

    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <premio/beca> to give, award; <descuento/préstamo> to give, grant (frml); <privilegio/favor/permiso> to grant

    ¿me podría conceder unos minutos? — could you spare me a few minutes?

    b) <importancia/valor> to give
    2) (admitir, reconocer) to admit, acknowledge, concede
    * * *
    = award, confer (on/upon), grant, vest, cede, bestow, dispense.
    Ex. In recognition of his impact on cataloging, in 1974 he was awarded the Margaret Mann Citation and, in 1978, the Melvil Dewey Medal.
    Ex. Lastly, he was the 1971 recipient of the Melvil Dewey Medal, which was conferred upon him for creative professional achievement of a high order.
    Ex. In the majority of cases, the indexer is granted considerable freedom of choice as to the citation order he adopts in the construction of compound class numbers.
    Ex. This responsibility is vested in the Central Classification Committees of the member countries.
    Ex. We see this most clearly in the United Kingdom right now, as the Westminster government cedes authority both to the European Union and to a new parliament in Scotland.
    Ex. God offers penitents redemption but also bestows His 'common grace' on all.
    Ex. This paper describes the role of the federal government in dispensing aid to public libraries as part of the combat against the Great Depression of the 1930s.
    * conceder aumento salarial = award + salary increase.
    * conceder beca = grant + scholarship.
    * conceder cierta autoridad sobre = give + Nombre + a say in.
    * conceder comisión de servicios = second.
    * conceder diploma = grant + diploma.
    * conceder el derecho al voto = enfranchise.
    * conceder el honor = accord + honour.
    * conceder en franquicia = franchise.
    * conceder facultades = endow with + powers.
    * conceder importancia = accord + significance level, attach + importance, place + importance.
    * conceder licencia = grant + license.
    * conceder licencia de comercialización = license [licence, -USA].
    * conceder mucha importancia a = lay + great store on.
    * conceder permiso = give + permission, grant + permission, grant + Alguien + leave.
    * conceder poderes = give + powers.
    * conceder potestad = confer + mandate.
    * conceder una licencia = issue + licence.
    * conceder una oportunidad = grant + opportunity.
    * conceder una petición = grant + request.
    * conceder un contrato = award + contract.
    * conceder un favor = bestow + favour.
    * conceder un premio = give + an award, grant + an award.
    * conceder un préstamo = grant + loan.
    * conceder un título = bestow + title.
    * privilegio concedido por el dinero = moneyed privilege.
    * que concede becas = grant-making.
    * que concede subsidios = grant-making.
    * que se concede en función de las necesidades económicas = means-tested.
    * * *
    verbo transitivo
    a) <premio/beca> to give, award; <descuento/préstamo> to give, grant (frml); <privilegio/favor/permiso> to grant

    ¿me podría conceder unos minutos? — could you spare me a few minutes?

    b) <importancia/valor> to give
    2) (admitir, reconocer) to admit, acknowledge, concede
    * * *
    = award, confer (on/upon), grant, vest, cede, bestow, dispense.

    Ex: In recognition of his impact on cataloging, in 1974 he was awarded the Margaret Mann Citation and, in 1978, the Melvil Dewey Medal.

    Ex: Lastly, he was the 1971 recipient of the Melvil Dewey Medal, which was conferred upon him for creative professional achievement of a high order.
    Ex: In the majority of cases, the indexer is granted considerable freedom of choice as to the citation order he adopts in the construction of compound class numbers.
    Ex: This responsibility is vested in the Central Classification Committees of the member countries.
    Ex: We see this most clearly in the United Kingdom right now, as the Westminster government cedes authority both to the European Union and to a new parliament in Scotland.
    Ex: God offers penitents redemption but also bestows His 'common grace' on all.
    Ex: This paper describes the role of the federal government in dispensing aid to public libraries as part of the combat against the Great Depression of the 1930s.
    * conceder aumento salarial = award + salary increase.
    * conceder beca = grant + scholarship.
    * conceder cierta autoridad sobre = give + Nombre + a say in.
    * conceder comisión de servicios = second.
    * conceder diploma = grant + diploma.
    * conceder el derecho al voto = enfranchise.
    * conceder el honor = accord + honour.
    * conceder en franquicia = franchise.
    * conceder facultades = endow with + powers.
    * conceder importancia = accord + significance level, attach + importance, place + importance.
    * conceder licencia = grant + license.
    * conceder licencia de comercialización = license [licence, -USA].
    * conceder mucha importancia a = lay + great store on.
    * conceder permiso = give + permission, grant + permission, grant + Alguien + leave.
    * conceder poderes = give + powers.
    * conceder potestad = confer + mandate.
    * conceder una licencia = issue + licence.
    * conceder una oportunidad = grant + opportunity.
    * conceder una petición = grant + request.
    * conceder un contrato = award + contract.
    * conceder un favor = bestow + favour.
    * conceder un premio = give + an award, grant + an award.
    * conceder un préstamo = grant + loan.
    * conceder un título = bestow + title.
    * privilegio concedido por el dinero = moneyed privilege.
    * que concede becas = grant-making.
    * que concede subsidios = grant-making.
    * que se concede en función de las necesidades económicas = means-tested.

    * * *
    conceder [E1 ]
    1 ‹premio/beca› to give, award; ‹descuento/préstamo› to give, grant ( frml); ‹privilegio/favor› to grant
    los jueces concedieron el triunfo al irlandés the judges awarded victory to the Irishman, the judges pronounced the Irishman the winner
    abuchearon al árbitro por no conceder el penalty the referee was booed for not giving o awarding the penalty
    sin conceder un solo tanto without conceding a single point
    me concedieron permiso they gave me permission
    el honor que me concedieron the honor they conferred o bestowed on me
    nos concedió una entrevista she agreed to give us an interview o to being interviewed by us
    terminó por concederle la razón a su contrincante he ended up admitting o conceding that his opponent was right
    ¿me podría conceder unos minutos de su tiempo? could you spare me a few minutes of your time?
    2 ‹importancia/valor› to give
    no le concedió demasiada importancia she did not give it too much importance o attach too much importance to it
    B (admitir, reconocer) to admit, acknowledge, concede
    tuvo que conceder que se había equivocado he had to admit o concede o acknowledge that he was wrong
    * * *


    conceder ( conjugate conceder) verbo transitivo
    a)premio/beca to give, award;

    descuento/préstamo to give;
    privilegio/favor/permiso to grant;

    ¿me podría conceder unos minutos? could you spare me a few minutes?
    b)importancia/valor to give

    2 (admitir, reconocer) to admit, acknowledge
    conceder verbo transitivo
    1 (admitir) to admit, concede
    2 (un deseo, préstamo) to grant
    (un premio, una beca) to award
    3 frml (tiempo, atención) si me concede un minuto, if you can spare me a moment
    4 (importancia) to give
    conceder valor a algo, to attach value to something
    ' conceder' also found in these entries:
    - dar
    - dotar
    - merced
    - negar
    - premio
    - award
    - begrudge
    - bestow
    - concede
    - grant
    - confer
    - devolve
    - dispense
    - give
    - knight
    - shut
    - straight
    * * *
    1. [dar] to grant;
    [premio] to award; [beca] to give, to award; [préstamo, subvención] to give, to grant; [asilo, indulto, extradición] to grant;
    le concedí el beneficio de la duda I gave him the benefit of the doubt;
    me concedió un deseo he granted me a wish;
    no concede entrevistas she doesn't give interviews;
    ¿me concede cinco minutos? could you give o spare me five minutes?;
    le han concedido un permiso para acudir al congreso he's been given o granted permission to attend the conference
    2. [asentir] to admit, to concede;
    concedo que están en lo cierto I admit that you're right
    3. [atribuir] [importancia] to give, to attach;
    no concede ningún valor al dinero money doesn't matter to her at all
    * * *
    v/t concede; entrevista, permiso give; premio award; importancia attach
    * * *
    1) : to grant, to bestow
    2) : to concede, to admit
    * * *
    1. (en general) to give [pt. gave; pp. given] / to grant
    2. (beca, premio) to award
    3. (reconocer) to admit [pt. & pp. admitted] / to acknowledge

    Spanish-English dictionary > conceder

  • 67 Gaulle , General Charles de

       (Derivatives. Gaulliste, a follower of de Gaulle, and gaullien, in the manner of De Gaulle)
       (1890-1970). Prime minister 1944-1946, President 1958-1969.
       De Gaulle was without doubt the most influential French politician of the twentieth century. Leader of the Free French forces in World War 2, General de Gaulle went on to become the instigator, and the first president, of France's fifth republic. He oversaw French decolonisation of Algeria and other colonies, but was also a strong nationalist, who believed in France's independent nuclear deterrent, and withdrew France from NATO's military command in a move to affirm France's independence with regard notably to the USA. He was one of the leading proponents of the European Economic Community, the EEC, precursor of the European Union, but memorably blocked Britain's application for membership in 1960, considering that Britain was too aligned with the USA.
       A firm believer in strong central power, he designed the constitution of the Fifth Republic to give very great powers to the President (far greater than in any other major western democracy), leaving the French Parliament as second fiddle. He also sought to model the European Community in the same way, concentrating power in the hands of the Commission, and opposing the extension of the powers of the European Parliament.
       Notwithstanding, de Gaulle remains an iconic figure in the life of modernFrance, and a point of reference for politicians, notably those on the right. For over thirty years, French conservative political parties have vied with each other to portray themselves as the true bearers of Gaullist values; but with the passing of time, de Gaulle's influence on French politics, and the emblematic value of his name, are declining. The modern UMP party, the party of Presient Sarkozy, may be descended in direct lineage from de Gaulle's RFP and UDR parties, and may define itself as being "gaullist", but the meaning of the word, in that case, has changed.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais. Agriculture Biologique > Gaulle , General Charles de

  • 68 Introduction

       Portugal is a small Western European nation with a large, distinctive past replete with both triumph and tragedy. One of the continent's oldest nation-states, Portugal has frontiers that are essentially unchanged since the late 14th century. The country's unique character and 850-year history as an independent state present several curious paradoxes. As of 1974, when much of the remainder of the Portuguese overseas empire was decolonized, Portuguese society appeared to be the most ethnically homogeneous of the two Iberian states and of much of Europe. Yet, Portuguese society had received, over the course of 2,000 years, infusions of other ethnic groups in invasions and immigration: Phoenicians, Greeks, Celts, Romans, Suevi, Visigoths, Muslims (Arab and Berber), Jews, Italians, Flemings, Burgundian French, black Africans, and Asians. Indeed, Portugal has been a crossroads, despite its relative isolation in the western corner of the Iberian Peninsula, between the West and North Africa, Tropical Africa, and Asia and America. Since 1974, Portugal's society has become less homogeneous, as there has been significant immigration of former subjects from its erstwhile overseas empire.
       Other paradoxes should be noted as well. Although Portugal is sometimes confused with Spain or things Spanish, its very national independence and national culture depend on being different from Spain and Spaniards. Today, Portugal's independence may be taken for granted. Since 1140, except for 1580-1640 when it was ruled by Philippine Spain, Portugal has been a sovereign state. Nevertheless, a recurring theme of the nation's history is cycles of anxiety and despair that its freedom as a nation is at risk. There is a paradox, too, about Portugal's overseas empire(s), which lasted half a millennium (1415-1975): after 1822, when Brazil achieved independence from Portugal, most of the Portuguese who emigrated overseas never set foot in their overseas empire, but preferred to immigrate to Brazil or to other countries in North or South America or Europe, where established Portuguese overseas communities existed.
       Portugal was a world power during the period 1415-1550, the era of the Discoveries, expansion, and early empire, and since then the Portuguese have experienced periods of decline, decadence, and rejuvenation. Despite the fact that Portugal slipped to the rank of a third- or fourth-rate power after 1580, it and its people can claim rightfully an unusual number of "firsts" or distinctions that assure their place both in world and Western history. These distinctions should be kept in mind while acknowledging that, for more than 400 years, Portugal has generally lagged behind the rest of Western Europe, although not Southern Europe, in social and economic developments and has remained behind even its only neighbor and sometime nemesis, Spain.
       Portugal's pioneering role in the Discoveries and exploration era of the 15th and 16th centuries is well known. Often noted, too, is the Portuguese role in the art and science of maritime navigation through the efforts of early navigators, mapmakers, seamen, and fishermen. What are often forgotten are the country's slender base of resources, its small population largely of rural peasants, and, until recently, its occupation of only 16 percent of the Iberian Peninsula. As of 1139—10, when Portugal emerged first as an independent monarchy, and eventually a sovereign nation-state, England and France had not achieved this status. The Portuguese were the first in the Iberian Peninsula to expel the Muslim invaders from their portion of the peninsula, achieving this by 1250, more than 200 years before Castile managed to do the same (1492).
       Other distinctions may be noted. Portugal conquered the first overseas empire beyond the Mediterranean in the early modern era and established the first plantation system based on slave labor. Portugal's empire was the first to be colonized and the last to be decolonized in the 20th century. With so much of its scattered, seaborne empire dependent upon the safety and seaworthiness of shipping, Portugal was a pioneer in initiating marine insurance, a practice that is taken for granted today. During the time of Pombaline Portugal (1750-77), Portugal was the first state to organize and hold an industrial trade fair. In distinctive political and governmental developments, Portugal's record is more mixed, and this fact suggests that maintaining a government with a functioning rule of law and a pluralist, representative democracy has not been an easy matter in a country that for so long has been one of the poorest and least educated in the West. Portugal's First Republic (1910-26), only the third republic in a largely monarchist Europe (after France and Switzerland), was Western Europe's most unstable parliamentary system in the 20th century. Finally, the authoritarian Estado Novo or "New State" (1926-74) was the longest surviving authoritarian system in modern Western Europe. When Portugal departed from its overseas empire in 1974-75, the descendants, in effect, of Prince Henry the Navigator were leaving the West's oldest empire.
       Portugal's individuality is based mainly on its long history of distinc-tiveness, its intense determination to use any means — alliance, diplomacy, defense, trade, or empire—to be a sovereign state, independent of Spain, and on its national pride in the Portuguese language. Another master factor in Portuguese affairs deserves mention. The country's politics and government have been influenced not only by intellectual currents from the Atlantic but also through Spain from Europe, which brought new political ideas and institutions and novel technologies. Given the weight of empire in Portugal's past, it is not surprising that public affairs have been hostage to a degree to what happened in her overseas empire. Most important have been domestic responses to imperial affairs during both imperial and internal crises since 1415, which have continued to the mid-1970s and beyond. One of the most important themes of Portuguese history, and one oddly neglected by not a few histories, is that every major political crisis and fundamental change in the system—in other words, revolution—since 1415 has been intimately connected with a related imperial crisis. The respective dates of these historical crises are: 1437, 1495, 1578-80, 1640, 1820-22, 1890, 1910, 1926-30, 1961, and 1974. The reader will find greater detail on each crisis in historical context in the history section of this introduction and in relevant entries.
       The Republic of Portugal is located on the western edge of the Iberian Peninsula. A major geographical dividing line is the Tagus River: Portugal north of it has an Atlantic orientation; the country to the south of it has a Mediterranean orientation. There is little physical evidence that Portugal is clearly geographically distinct from Spain, and there is no major natural barrier between the two countries along more than 1,214 kilometers (755 miles) of the Luso-Spanish frontier. In climate, Portugal has a number of microclimates similar to the microclimates of Galicia, Estremadura, and Andalusia in neighboring Spain. North of the Tagus, in general, there is an Atlantic-type climate with higher rainfall, cold winters, and some snow in the mountainous areas. South of the Tagus is a more Mediterranean climate, with hot, dry, often rainless summers and cool, wet winters. Lisbon, the capital, which has a fifth of the country's population living in its region, has an average annual mean temperature about 16° C (60° F).
       For a small country with an area of 92,345 square kilometers (35,580 square miles, including the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and the Madeiras), which is about the size of the state of Indiana in the United States, Portugal has a remarkable diversity of regional topography and scenery. In some respects, Portugal resembles an island within the peninsula, embodying a unique fusion of European and non-European cultures, akin to Spain yet apart. Its geography is a study in contrasts, from the flat, sandy coastal plain, in some places unusually wide for Europe, to the mountainous Beira districts or provinces north of the Tagus, to the snow-capped mountain range of the Estrela, with its unique ski area, to the rocky, barren, remote Trás-os-Montes district bordering Spain. There are extensive forests in central and northern Portugal that contrast with the flat, almost Kansas-like plains of the wheat belt in the Alentejo district. There is also the unique Algarve district, isolated somewhat from the Alentejo district by a mountain range, with a microclimate, topography, and vegetation that resemble closely those of North Africa.
       Although Portugal is small, just 563 kilometers (337 miles) long and from 129 to 209 kilometers (80 to 125 miles) wide, it is strategically located on transportation and communication routes between Europe and North Africa, and the Americas and Europe. Geographical location is one key to the long history of Portugal's three overseas empires, which stretched once from Morocco to the Moluccas and from lonely Sagres at Cape St. Vincent to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is essential to emphasize the identity of its neighbors: on the north and east Portugal is bounded by Spain, its only neighbor, and by the Atlantic Ocean on the south and west. Portugal is the westernmost country of Western Europe, and its shape resembles a face, with Lisbon below the nose, staring into the
       Atlantic. No part of Portugal touches the Mediterranean, and its Atlantic orientation has been a response in part to turning its back on Castile and Léon (later Spain) and exploring, traveling, and trading or working in lands beyond the peninsula. Portugal was the pioneering nation in the Atlantic-born European discoveries during the Renaissance, and its diplomatic and trade relations have been dominated by countries that have been Atlantic powers as well: Spain; England (Britain since 1707); France; Brazil, once its greatest colony; and the United States.
       Today Portugal and its Atlantic islands have a population of roughly 10 million people. While ethnic homogeneity has been characteristic of it in recent history, Portugal's population over the centuries has seen an infusion of non-Portuguese ethnic groups from various parts of Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. Between 1500 and 1800, a significant population of black Africans, brought in as slaves, was absorbed in the population. And since 1950, a population of Cape Verdeans, who worked in menial labor, has resided in Portugal. With the influx of African, Goan, and Timorese refugees and exiles from the empire—as many as three quarters of a million retornados ("returned ones" or immigrants from the former empire) entered Portugal in 1974 and 1975—there has been greater ethnic diversity in the Portuguese population. In 2002, there were 239,113 immigrants legally residing in Portugal: 108,132 from Africa; 24,806 from Brazil; 15,906 from Britain; 14,617 from Spain; and 11,877 from Germany. In addition, about 200,000 immigrants are living in Portugal from eastern Europe, mainly from Ukraine. The growth of Portugal's population is reflected in the following statistics:
       1527 1,200,000 (estimate only)
       1768 2,400,000 (estimate only)
       1864 4,287,000 first census
       1890 5,049,700
       1900 5,423,000
       1911 5,960,000
       1930 6,826,000
       1940 7,185,143
       1950 8,510,000
       1960 8,889,000
       1970 8,668,000* note decrease
       1980 9,833,000
       1991 9,862,540
       1996 9,934,100
       2006 10,642,836
       2010 10,710,000 (estimated)

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Introduction

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     ■ Tulving, E. (1972). Episodic and semantic memory. In E. Tulving & W. Donaldson (Eds.), Organisation of memory. London: Academic Press.
     ■ Turing, A. (1946). In B. E. Carpenter & R. W. Doran (Eds.), ACE reports of 1946 and other papers. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
     ■ Turkle, S. (1984). Computers and the second self: Computers and the human spirit. New York: Simon & Schuster.
     ■ Tyler, S. A. (1978). The said and the unsaid: Mind, meaning, and culture. New York: Academic Press.
     ■ van Heijenoort (Ed.) (1967). From Frege to Goedel. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
     ■ Varela, F. J. (1984). The creative circle: Sketches on the natural history of circularity. In P. Watzlawick (Ed.), The invented reality (pp. 309-324). New York: W. W. Norton.
     ■ Voltaire (1961). On the Penseґs of M. Pascal. In Philosophical letters (pp. 119-146). E. Dilworth (Trans.). Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill.
     ■ Wagman, M. (1997a). Cognitive science and the symbolic operations of human and artificial intelligence: Theory and research into the intellective processes. Westport, CT: Praeger.
     ■ Wagman, M. (1997b). The general unified theory of intelligence: Central conceptions and specific application to domains of cognitive science. Westport, CT: Praeger.
     ■ Wagman, M. (1998a). Cognitive science and the mind- body problem: From philosophy to psychology to artificial intelligence to imaging of the brain. Westport, CT: Praeger.
     ■ Wagman, M. (1999). The human mind according to artificial intelligence: Theory, re search, and implications. Westport, CT: Praeger.
     ■ Wall, R. (1972). Introduction to mathematical linguistics. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.
     ■ Wallas, G. (1926). The Art of Thought. New York: Harcourt, Brace & Co.
     ■ Wason, P. (1977). Self contradictions. In P. Johnson-Laird & P. Wason (Eds.), Thinking: Readings in cognitive science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
     ■ Wason, P. C., & P. N. Johnson-Laird. (1972). Psychology of reasoning: Structure and content. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
     ■ Watson, J. (1930). Behaviorism. New York: W. W. Norton.
     ■ Watzlawick, P. (1984). Epilogue. In P. Watzlawick (Ed.), The invented reality. New York: W. W. Norton, 1984.
     ■ Weinberg, S. (1977). The first three minutes: A modern view of the origin of the uni verse. New York: Basic Books.
     ■ Weisberg, R. W. (1986). Creativity: Genius and other myths. New York: W. H. Freeman.
     ■ Weizenbaum, J. (1976). Computer power and human reason: From judgment to cal culation. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman.
     ■ Wertheimer, M. (1945). Productive thinking. New York: Harper & Bros.
     ■ Whitehead, A. N. (1925). Science and the modern world. New York: Macmillan.
     ■ Whorf, B. L. (1956). In J. B. Carroll (Ed.), Language, thought and reality: Selected writings of Benjamin Lee Whorf. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
     ■ Whyte, L. L. (1962). The unconscious before Freud. New York: Anchor Books.
     ■ Wiener, N. (1954). The human use of human beings. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.
     ■ Wiener, N. (1964). God & Golem, Inc.: A comment on certain points where cybernetics impinges on religion. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
     ■ Winograd, T. (1972). Understanding natural language. New York: Academic Press.
     ■ Winston, P. H. (1987). Artificial intelligence: A perspective. In E. L. Grimson & R. S. Patil (Eds.), AI in the 1980s and beyond (pp. 1-12). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
     ■ Winston, P. H. (Ed.) (1975). The psychology of computer vision. New York: McGrawHill.
     ■ Wittgenstein, L. (1953). Philosophical investigations. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
     ■ Wittgenstein, L. (1958). The blue and brown books. New York: Harper Colophon.
     ■ Woods, W. A. (1975). What's in a link: Foundations for semantic networks. In D. G. Bobrow & A. Collins (Eds.), Representations and understanding: Studies in cognitive science (pp. 35-84). New York: Academic Press.
     ■ Woodworth, R. S. (1938). Experimental psychology. New York: Holt; London: Methuen (1939).
     ■ Wundt, W. (1904). Principles of physiological psychology (Vol. 1). E. B. Titchener (Trans.). New York: Macmillan.
     ■ Wundt, W. (1907). Lectures on human and animal psychology. J. E. Creighton & E. B. Titchener (Trans.). New York: Macmillan.
     ■ Young, J. Z. (1978). Programs of the brain. New York: Oxford University Press.
     ■ Ziman, J. (1978). Reliable knowledge: An exploration of the grounds for belief in science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

    Historical dictionary of quotations in cognitive science > Bibliography

  • 70 McCormick, Cyrus

    b. 1809 Walnut Grove, Virginia, USA
    d. 1884 USA
    American inventor of the first functionally and commercially successful reaping machine; founder of the McCormick Company, which was to become one of the founding companies of International Harvester.
    Cyrus McCormick's father, a farmer, began to experiment unsuccessfully with a harvesting machine between 1809 and 1816. His son took up the challenge and gave his first public demonstration of his machine in 1831. It cut a 4 ft swathe, but, wanting to perfect the machine, he waited until 1834 before patenting it, by which time he felt that his invention was threatened by others of similar design. In the same year he entered an article in the Mechanics Magazine, warning competitors off his design. His main rival was Obed Hussey who contested McCormick's claim to the originality of the idea, having patented his own machine six months before McCormick.
    A competition between the two machines was held in 1843, the judges favouring McCormick's, even after additional trials were conducted after objections of unfairness from Hussey. The rivalry continued over a number of years, being avidly reported in the agricultural press. The publicity did no harm to reaper sales, and McCormick sold twenty-nine machines in 1843 and fifty the following year.
    As the westward settlement movement progressed, so the demand for McCormick's machine grew. In order to be more central to his markets, McCormick established himself in Chicago. In partnership with C.M.Gray he established a factory to produce 500 harvesters for the 1848 season. By means of advertising and offers of credit terms, as well as production-line assembly, McCormick was able to establish himself as sole owner and also control all production, under the one roof. By the end of the decade he dominated reaper production but other developments were to threaten this position; however, foreign markets were appearing at the same time, not least the opportunities of European sales stimulated by the Great Exhibition in 1851. In the trials arranged by the Royal Agricultural Society of England the McCormick machine significantly outperformed that of Hussey's, and as a result McCormick arranged for 500 to be made under licence in England.
    In 1874 McCormick bought a half interest in the patent for a wire binder from Charles Withington, a watchmaker from Janesville, Wisconsin, and by 1885 a total of 50,000 wire binders had been built in Chicago. By 1881 McCormick was producing twine binders using Appleby's twine knotter under a licence agreement, and by 1885 the company was producing only twine binders. The McCormick Company was one of the co-founders of the International Harvester Company in 1901.
    1972, The Century of the Reaper, Johnson Reprint (the original is in the New York State Library).
    Further Reading
    Graeme Quick and Wesley Buchele, 1978, The Grain Harvesters, American Society of Agricultural Engineers (deals in detail with McCormick's developments).
    G.H.Wendell, 1981, 150 Years of International Harvester, Crestlink (though more concerned with the machinery produced by International Harvester, it gives an account of its originating companies).
    T.W.Hutchinson, 1930, Cyrus Hall McCormick, Seedtime 1809–1856; ——1935, Cyrus Hall McCormick, Harvest 1856–1884 (both attempt to unravel the many claims surrounding the reaper story).
    Herbert N.Casson, 1908, The Romance of the Reaper, Doubleday Page (deals with McCormick, Deering and the formation of International Harvester).

    Biographical history of technology > McCormick, Cyrus

  • 71 Morse, Samuel Finley Breeze

    SUBJECT AREA: Telecommunications
    b. 27 April 1791 Charlestown, Massachusetts, USA
    d. 2 April 1872 New York City, New York, USA
    American portrait painter and inventor, b est known for his invention of the telegraph and so-called Morse code.
    Following early education at Phillips Academy, Andover, at the age of 14 years Morse went to Yale College, where he developed interests in painting and electricity. Upon graduating in 1810 he became a clerk to a Washington publisher and a pupil of Washington Allston, a well-known American painter. The following year he travelled to Europe and entered the London studio of another American artist, Benjamin West, successfully exhibiting at the Royal Academy as well as winning a prize and medal for his sculpture. Returning to Boston and finding little success as a "historical-style" painter, he built up a thriving portrait business, moving in 1818 to Charleston, South Carolina, where three years later he established the (now defunct) South Carolina Academy of Fine Arts. In 1825 he was back in New York, but following the death of his wife and both of his parents that year, he embarked on an extended tour of European art galleries. In 1832, on the boat back to America, he met Charles T.Jackson, who told him of the discovery of the electromagnet and fired his interest in telegraphy to the extent that Morse immediately began to make suggestions for electrical communications and, apparently, devised a form of printing telegraph. Although he returned to his painting and in 1835 was appointed the first Professor of the Literature of Art and Design at the University of New York City, he began to spend more and more time experimenting in telegraphy. In 1836 he invented a relay as a means of extending the cable distance over which telegraph signals could be sent. At this time he became acquainted with Alfred Vail, and the following year, when the US government published the requirements for a national telegraph service, they set out to produce a workable system, with finance provided by Vail's father (who, usefully, owned an ironworks). A patent was filed on 6 October 1837 and a successful demonstration using the so-called Morse code was given on 6 January 1838; the work was, in fact, almost certainly largely that of Vail. As a result of the demonstration a Bill was put forward to Congress for $30,000 for an experimental line between Washington and Baltimore. This was eventually passed and the line was completed, and on 24 May 1844 the first message, "What hath God wrought", was sent between the two cities. In the meantime Morse also worked on the insulation of submarine cables by means of pitch tar and indiarubber.
    With success achieved, Morse offered his invention to the Government for $100,000, but this was declined, so the invention remained in private hands. To exploit it, Morse founded the Magnetic Telephone Company in 1845, amalgamating the following year with the telegraph company of a Henry O'Reilly to form Western Union. Having failed to obtain patents in Europe, he now found himself in litigation with others in the USA, but eventually, in 1854, the US Supreme Court decided in his favour and he soon became very wealthy. In 1857 a proposal was made for a telegraph service across the whole of the USA; this was completed in just over four months in 1861. Four years later work began on a link to Europe via Canada, Alaska, the Aleutian Islands and Russia, but it was abandoned with the completion of the transatlantic cable, a venture in which he also had some involvement. Showered with honours, Morse became a generous philanthropist in his later years. By 1883 the company he had created was worth $80 million and had a virtual monopoly in the USA.
    Principal Honours and Distinctions
    LLD, Yale 1846. Fellow of the Academy of Arts and Sciences 1849. Celebratory Banquet, New York, 1869. Statue in New York Central Park 1871. Austrian Gold Medal of Scientific Merit. Danish Knight of the Danneborg. French Légion d'honneur. Italian Knight of St Lazaro and Mauritio. Portuguese Knight of the Tower and Sword. Turkish Order of Glory.
    E.L.Morse (ed.), 1975, Letters and Journals, New York: Da Capo Press (facsimile of a 1914 edition).
    Further Reading
    J.Munro, 1891, Heroes of the Telegraph (discusses his telegraphic work and its context).
    C.Mabee, 1943, The American Leonardo: A Life of Samuel Morse; reprinted 1969 (a detailed biography).

    Biographical history of technology > Morse, Samuel Finley Breeze

  • 72 generación

    1 generation, people of the time, people of the epoch.
    2 generation, age, epoch.
    3 generation, creation, formation.
    * * *
    1 generation
    * * *
    noun f.
    * * *
    1) (=acto) generation
    2) (=grupo) generation

    la generación del 27/98 — the generation of '27/'98

    primera/segunda/tercera/cuarta generación — (Inform) first/second/third/fourth generation

    3) (=descendencia) progeny, offspring; (=crías) brood; (=sucesión) succession
    GENERACIÓN DEL 27/DEL 98 The Generación del 27 is the collective name given to a group of writers and poets including Lorca, Alberti, Guillén, Cernuda and Aleixandre, who drew inspiration from earlier Spanish poets as well as from popular folk song and contemporary European art (Dadaism, Surrealism, Cubism). They particularly admired Góngora (1561-1627) and it was their commemoration of the anniversary of his death that earned them the title Generación del 27. The Generación del 98 was the name coined by Azorín for a group of writers (Baroja, Machado, Unamuno, Maeztu, Ganivet, and himself, amongst others) who saw Spain's defeat in the Cuban American war of 1898 as the start of a decline in values. While not all the supposed members of the group accepted their inclusion in it, their work demonstrates shared themes, ideals and concerns.
    * * *
    a) ( de una familia) generation
    b) (Art, Lit) generation
    c) (Inf) generation
    2) ( acción) generation
    * * *
    a) ( de una familia) generation
    b) (Art, Lit) generation
    c) (Inf) generation
    2) ( acción) generation
    * * *

    Ex: Information retrieval follows from the generation of an index.

    * generación de ingresos = revenue-raising, income generation.

    2 = breed, generation.

    Ex: He is one of the new breed of librarians, a person with traditional library training enhanced by formal training in mathematics and computer science.

    Ex: It is already obvious that the present generation of schoolchildren readily accept the microcomputer as a learning and recreational aid.
    * de antigua generación = low-end.
    * de generación a generación = from generation to generation.
    * de generación en generación = from generation to generation.
    * de segunda generación = second-generation.
    * de última generación = enhanced, high-tech, high-end, leading edge.
    * durante generaciones = for generations.
    * generación de estudiantes = cohort of students.
    * generación del baby boom = baby boom generation, baby-boomer generation.
    * generación del boom de la natalidad = baby boom generation, baby-boomer generation.
    * generación del fin del milenio, la = Millennial Generation, the, Millennium Generation, the.
    * generación de los videojuegos, la = gaming generation, the.
    * generación venidera = future generation.
    * Generación X = Generation X.
    * Generación Y = Generation Y.
    * pasar de generación en generación = pass down from + generation to generation.
    * que afecta a varias generaciones = cross-generational.
    * transmitir de generación en generación = pass down from + generation to generation.

    * * *
    Generación del 27 (↑ generación a1), Generación del 98 (↑ generación aa1)
    1 (de una familia) generation
    2 ( Art, Lit) generation
    la generación del 98 the generation of '98
    3 ( Inf) generation
    B (acción) generation
    generación de empleo generation o creation of employment
    por generación espontánea by spontaneous generation, by autogenesis
    ¿y cómo te crees que tuvo el hijo, por generación espontánea? ( fam hum); how do you think she had the baby? do you think they found him at the bottom of the garden o under the gooseberry bush? ( colloq hum)
    * * *


    generación sustantivo femenino
    generación sustantivo femenino generation
    ' generación' also found in these entries:
    - coming
    - first generation
    - foremost
    - generation
    - hand down
    - pass down
    * * *
    1. [conjunto de personas] generation
    2. [de artistas, intelectuales] generation
    3. [de máquinas, tecnología] generation;
    los monitores de la última generación son más ligeros the latest generation of monitors are lighter
    4. [acción] generation;
    la generación de basuras es un grave problema waste production is a serious problem
    generación espontánea spontaneous generation
    When Spain lost its last major colonies (Cuba, Puerto Rico and the Philippines) in 1898, this brought to a head the concern felt by many Spanish intellectuals about the political and cultural decline of their country. They began to question the identity of Spain, and this was reflected in a certain pessimism in their work, though they also celebrated what they held to be its distinctive values. These authors subsequently became known as the Generación del 98, and included many of Spain's greatest writers, such as the philosopher Unamuno (1864-1936), the prolific novelist Pío Baroja (1872-1956) and the poet Antonio Machado (1875-1939).
    * * *
    f generation
    * * *
    1) : generation
    tercera generación: third generation
    2) : generating, creating
    3) : class
    la generación del '97: the class of '97
    * * *
    generación n generation

    Spanish-English dictionary > generación

  • 73 banca

    f (pl -che) bank
    banca degli organi organ bank
    * * *
    banca s.f.
    1 bank: depositare in banca, to bank; rapinare una banca, to rob a bank; versare in banca, to bank; libretto di banca, bankbook (o passbook); conto in banca, bank account; a mezzo banca, by banker // banca centrale, central bank; banca commerciale, joint-stock bank (o commercial bank); banca delle banche, bankers' bank; banca d'affari, merchant bank (o banker); banca di deposito, deposit bank; banca di emissione, bank of issue (o issuing bank); banca, cassa di risparmio, savings bank; banca di sconto, discount bank (o acceptance house); banca di investimento mobiliare, investment bank; banca senza filiali, unit bank; banca corrispondente, correspondent bank; banca esattrice, collecting bank; banca locale, banca di provincia, country bank; banca trassata, drawee bank; banca di credito fondiario, mortgage bank; banca affiliata alla stanza di compensazione, clearing bank; banca di credito agrario, agricultural bank (o rural credit bank); banca universale, full-service bank; banca cooperativa, co-operative bank; banca di cambio, exchange bank; banca fiduciaria, trustee bank; banca di stato, Government bank (o State bank); banche pubbliche, di Stato, state-owned banks; Banca Europea per gli Investimenti, European Investment Bank; Banca Mondiale, World Bank; Banca dei Regolamenti Internazionali, Bank for International Settlements; banca che si presta a riciclare danaro sporco, (fam. amer.) laundry; Banca della Riserva Federale, (amer.) Federal Reserve Bank; banca etica, ethical bank
    2 (estens.) bank: banca del sangue, blood bank; banca del tempo, time bank; (inform.) banca dati, data bank.
    * * *
    pl. - che ['banka, ke] sostantivo femminile (luogo, sistema bancario) bank

    direttore, impiegato di banca — bank manager, bank clerk

    rapina in bancabank raid o robbery

    banca datiinform. data o memory bank

    banca degli occhimed. eye bank

    banca del sanguemed. blood bank

    banca del sememed. sperm bank

    * * *
    pl. - che /'banka, ke/
    sostantivo f.
    (luogo, sistema bancario) bank; andare in banca to go to the bank; direttore, impiegato di banca bank manager, bank clerk; operazioni di banca banking; conto in banca bank account; versare un assegno in banca to bank a cheque; qual è la sua banca? who do you bank with? rapina in banca bank raid o robbery
    banca d'affari merchant bank BE; banca dati inform. data o memory bank; banca degli occhi med. eye bank; banca del sangue med. blood bank; banca del seme med. sperm bank.

    Dizionario Italiano-Inglese > banca

  • 74 Bové, José

       French MEP, elected to the European parliament on the list of the French greens in June 2009. Highly mediatized and self-styled leader of theConfédération Paysanne, an initially unofficial protest grouping of small farmers established as a backlash against the accelerating fall in the number and economic viability of France's small farms. Bové himself is a producer of Roquefort cheese, living on the barren Causses in southern central France. However his campaign in defence of the French small farmer developed into a more general anti-capitalist and anti-globalisation movement, with Bové being arrested twice and sentenced to prison firstly for leading a group of protestors in demolishing a partly built McDonald's restaurant in the town of Millau, and later for breaking into an agricultural research facility and uprooting thousands of genetically modified plants. When first sent to prison, Bové capitalised on the event by driving himself to the jail at the head of a procession of tractors, which received massive media coverage. To avoid a repeat of this, police arrested him a second time in 2003 with a spectacular dawn raid on his farmhouse, carrying Bové off to jail in a helicopter. While avoiding a second Bové media circus, the means employed in this arrest were seriously criticised throughout the media. Since the mid 1990's, Bové has also been present at most major international economic and social forums - including Puerto Alegre and Seattle - leading to accusations that he is not really the typical small farmer he claims to be.

    Dictionnaire Français-Anglais. Agriculture Biologique > Bové, José

  • 75 Brazil

       Former Portuguese colony (ca. 1500-1822), once described on old maps as "Portuguese America." Until 1822, the colony of Brazil was Portugal's largest, richest, and most populous colonial territory, and it held the greatest number of overseas Portuguese. Indeed, until 1974, long after Brazil had ceased being a Portuguese colony, the largest number of overseas Portuguese continued to reside in Brazil.
       Discovered in 1500 by Pedro Álvares Cabral, Brazil experienced significant coastal colonization by Portugal only after 1550. As Portugal's world power and colonial position in North Africa and Asia entered a decline, Brazil began to receive the lion's share of her imperial attention and soon dominated the empire. While Portuguese colonization and civilization had an essential impact on the complex making of Brazil, this fact must be put into perspective. In addition to other European (Italian, German, etc.) and Asian (Japanese) immigrants, two other civilizations or groups of civilizations helped to construct Brazil: the Amerindians who inhabited the land before 1500 and black Africans who were shipped to Brazil's coast as slaves during more than three centuries, mainly from west and central Africa. There is a long history of Portuguese military operations to defend Brazil against internal rebellions as well as other colonial intruders. The French, for example, attacked Brazil several times. But it was the Dutch who proved the greatest threat, when they held northeast Brazil from 1624 to 1654, until they were expelled by Portuguese and colonial forces.
       Until the 17th century, Portuguese colonization was largely coastal. By the 18th century, Portuguese groups began to penetrate deep into the hinterland, including an area rich in minerals, the Minas Gerais ("General Mines"). Lisbon extracted the greatest wealth from Brazil during the "golden age" of mining of gold and diamonds from 1670 to 1750. But hefty profits for the king also came from Brazilian sugar, tobacco, cotton, woods, and coffee. By the time of Brazil's independence, declared in 1822, Portuguese America had become far more powerful and rich than the mother country. Only a few years before the break, Brazil had been declared a kingdom, in theory on a par with Portugal. A major factor behind the Brazilian independence movement was the impact of the residence of the Portuguese royal family and court in Brazil from 1808 to 1821.
       What is the Portuguese legacy to Brazil after more than 300 years of colonization? Of the many facets that could be cited, perhaps three are worthy of mention here: the Portuguese language (Brazil is the only Latin American country that has Portuguese as the official language); Portuguese political and administrative customs; and a large community, mostly in coastal Brazil, of overseas Portuguese.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Brazil

  • 76 Cunhal, Álvaro

       Leader of the Portuguese Communist Party (PCP), author, and ideologue. Álvaro Cunhai was a militant of the PCP since the 1930s and was secretary-general from 1961 to 1992. In the midst of Mikail Gorbachev's reforms and perestroika, Cunha refused to alter the PCP's orthodox commitment to the proletariat and Marxism-Leninism. Throughout a long career of participation in the PCP, Cunhal regularly held influential positions in the organization. In 1931, he joined the PCP while a law student in Lisbon and became secretary-general of the Portuguese Communist Youth/Juventude Comunista (JC) in 1935, which included membership in the PCP's central committee. He advanced to the PCP's secretariat in 1942, after playing a leading role in the reorganization of 1940-H that gave the party its present orthodox character. Cunhai dubbed himself "the adopted son of the proletariat" at the 1950 trial that sentenced him to 11 years in prison for communist activity. Because his father was a lawyer-painter-writer and Cunhai received a master's degree in law, his origins were neither peasant nor worker but petit-bourgeois. During his lifetime, he spent 13 years in prison, eight of which were in solitary confinement. On 3 January 1960, he and nine other mostly communist prisoners escaped from Peniche prison and fled the country. The party's main theoretician, Cunhal was elected secretary-general in 1961 and, along with other top leaders, directed the party from abroad while in exile.
       In the aftermath of the Revolution of 25 April 1974 that terminated the Estado Novo and ushered in democracy, Cunhal ended his exile and returned to Portugal. He played important roles in post-1974 political events ranging from leader of the communist offensive during the "hot summer" of 1975, positions of minister-without-portfolio in the first through fifth provisional governments, to his membership in parliament beginning in 1976.
       At the PCP's 14th Congress (1992), Carlos Carvalhas was elected secretary-general to replace Cunhal. Whatever official or unofficial position Cunhal held, however, automatically became an important position within the party. After stepping down as secretary-general, he was elected to head the party's National Council (eliminated in 1996). Many political observers have argued that Cunhal purposely picked a successor who could not outshine him, and it is true that Carvalhas does not have Cunhal's humanistic knowledge, lacks emotion, and is not as eloquent. Cunhai was known not only as a dynamic orator but also as an artist, novelist, and brilliant political tactician. He wrote under several pseudonyms, including Manuel Tiago, who published the well-known Até Amanhã, Camaradas, as well as the novel recently adapted for the film, Cinco Dias, Cinco Noites. Under his own name, he published as well a book on art theory entitled A Arte, O Artista E A Sociedade. He also published volumes of speeches and essays.
       Although he was among the most orthodox leaders of the major Western European Communist parties, Cunhal was not a puppet of the Soviet Union, as many claimed. He was not only a major leader at home, but also in the international communist movement. His orthodoxy was especially useful to the Soviets in their struggle to maintain cohesion in a movement threatened by division from the Eurocommunists in the 1970s. To conclude that Cunhal was a Soviet puppet is to ignore his independent decisions during the Revolution of 25 April 1974. At that time, the Soviets reportedly tried to slow
       Cunhal's revolutionary drive because it ran counter to detente and other Soviet strategies.
       In many ways Cunhal's views were locked in the past. His perception and analyses of modern Portuguese revolutionary conditions did not alter radically from his experiences and analyses of revolutionary conditions in the 1940s. To Cunhal, although some conditions had changed, requiring tactical shifts, the major conflict was the same one that led to the creation of the Communist Information Bureau (Cominform) in 1947. The world was still divided into two camps: American and Western imperialism on one side, and socialism, with its goal to achieve the fullest of democracies, on the other. Cunhal continued to believe that Marxism-Leninism and scientific socialism provide the solutions to resolving the problems of the world until his death in 2005.

    Historical dictionary of Portugal > Cunhal, Álvaro

  • 77 воздушный

    аварийная связь с воздушным судном
    air distress communication
    аварийная ситуация с воздушным судном
    aircraft emergency
    аварийные воздушные перевозки
    distress traffic
    авиатрасса верхнего воздушного пространства
    high-level airway
    авиатрасса нижнего воздушного пространства
    low-level airway
    авиационный двигатель воздушного охлаждения
    air-cooled engine
    автоматическое выравнивание воздушного судна перед посадкой
    авторотация воздушного винта
    propeller windmilling
    авторотирующий воздушный винт
    windmilling propeller
    агентство по отправке грузов воздушным транспортом
    air freight forwarder
    административное воздушное судно
    executive aircraft
    ангар для воздушного судна
    aircraft shed
    аренда воздушного судна
    aircraft lease
    аренда воздушного судна без экипажа
    1. aircraft dry lease
    2. aircraft drylease аренда воздушного судна вместе с экипажем
    aircraft wet lease
    арендатор воздушного судна
    lessee of an aircraft
    арендованное воздушное судно
    leased aircraft
    арендовать воздушное судно
    lease an aircraft
    Ассоциация воздушного транспорта США
    air Transport
    Ассоциация воздушных перевозчиков
    National Air Carrier
    аудиовизуальная система имитации воздушного движения
    air traffic audio simulation system
    (для тренажеров) аэродинамически сбалансированное воздушное судно
    airodynamically balanced aircraft
    аэродром для реактивных воздушных судов
    jet aerodrome
    аэродром местных воздушных линий
    domestic aerodrome
    аэродромный обогреватель воздушного судна
    aircraft heater
    аэродром совместного базирования гражданского и военных воздушных судов
    joint civil and military aerodrome
    аэронавигационная карта воздушных подходов
    aeronautical approach chart
    аэропорт высокой плотности воздушного движения
    high-density airport
    база ремонта воздушных судов
    aircraft repair depot
    балансировать воздушное судно
    1. balance the aircraft
    2. trim the aircraft балансировать воздушный винт
    balance the propeller
    балансировка воздушного винта
    propeller balance
    балансировка воздушного судна
    aircraft trim
    безопасное управление воздушным судном
    safe handling of an aircraft
    безопасность воздушного движения
    air safety
    безопасный срок службы воздушного судна
    aircraft safe life
    бесшумное воздушное судно
    quiet aircraft
    биение воздушного винта
    airscrew knock
    борт воздушного судна
    aircraft side
    бортовая кухня воздушного судна
    aircraft galley
    бортовой регистрационный знак воздушного судна
    aircraft registration mark
    бригада для перегонки воздушных судов
    delivery group
    бригада технического обслуживания воздушных судов
    aircraft maintenance team
    буксировать воздушное судно хвостом вперед
    push the aircraft back
    буксировочный узел воздушного судна
    aircraft towing point
    вал воздушного винта
    propeller shaft
    вводить воздушное судно в крен
    roll in the aircraft
    ведомость дефектов воздушного судна
    aircraft defects list
    вектор воздушной скорости
    airspeed vector
    верхнее воздушное пространство
    1. upper air
    2. upper air area весовая категория воздушного судна
    aircraft weight category
    весовая классификация воздушного судна
    aircraft breakdown
    взаимодействие воздушных потоков
    air flow interaction
    вид воздушного судна
    aircraft category
    винтовое воздушное судно
    prop-driven aircraft
    владелец сертификата на воздушное судно
    aircraft certificate holder
    влияние спутной струи от воздушного винта
    slipstream effect
    влиять на состояние воздушного судна
    effect on an aircraft
    вместимость воздушного судна
    aircraft capacity
    вне воздушной трассы
    внезапное отклонение воздушного судна
    aircraft sudden swerve
    внимание, отвлеченное от управления воздушным судном
    diverted attention from operation
    возвращать воздушное судно
    bring the aircraft back
    воздушная болезнь
    воздушная волна
    air wave
    воздушная заслонка
    air flap
    воздушная зона
    air side
    воздушная линия
    air line
    воздушная масса
    air mass
    воздушная обстановка
    air situation
    воздушная обстановка в зоне аэродрома
    aerodrome air picture
    воздушная опора
    air bearing
    воздушная перевозка
    1. air carriage
    2. air conveyance 3. air movement 4. skylift воздушная перевозка за плату
    air operation for remuneration
    воздушная перевозка по найму
    air operation for hire
    воздушная перевозка типа инклюзив тур
    inclusive tour
    воздушная подушка
    air cushion
    воздушная подушка у земли
    ground cushion
    воздушная почта
    air mail
    воздушная пробка
    air lock
    воздушная система запуска двигателей
    air starting system
    воздушная скорость
    воздушная смесительная камера
    air-mixing chamber
    воздушная трасса
    1. airway
    2. air track 3. skyway 4. air lane 5. air route 6. air path воздушная турбина
    air turbine
    воздушная турбулентность
    air turbulence
    воздушная ударная волна
    air blast
    воздушная цель
    air target
    воздушная яма
    air pocket
    воздушная яма на пути полета
    in flight bump
    воздушное барражирование
    air loitering
    воздушное движение
    1. air traffic
    2. traffic flow воздушное охлаждение
    air cooling
    воздушное пиратство
    air piracy
    воздушное право
    air law
    воздушное пространство
    1. airspace
    2. midair воздушное пространство с запретом визуальных полетов
    visual exempted airspace
    воздушное путешествие
    1. air trip
    2. air travel воздушное сообщение
    air communication
    воздушное судно
    1. aircraft
    2. ship воздушное судно без экипажа
    bare hull
    воздушное судно большой вместимости
    high-capacity aircraft
    воздушное судно большой дальности полетов
    long-distance aircraft
    воздушное судно вертикального взлета и посадки
    vertical takeoff and landing aircraft
    воздушное судно в зоне ожидания
    holding aircraft
    воздушное судно в полете
    1. in-flight aircraft
    2. making way aircraft 3. aircraft on flight воздушное судно вспомогательной авиалинии
    feeder aircraft
    воздушное судно, выведенное из строя
    disabled aircraft
    воздушное судно государственной принадлежности
    state aircraft
    воздушное судно, готовое к полету
    under way aircraft
    воздушное судно гражданской авиации
    civil aircraft
    воздушное судно для местный авиалиний
    short-range aircraft
    воздушное судно для местных авиалиний
    short-haul transport
    воздушное судно для обслуживания местных авиалиний
    воздушное судно для патрулирования лесных массивов
    forest patrol aircraft
    воздушное судно для полетов на большой высоте
    high-altitude aircraft
    воздушное судно для смешанных перевозок
    combination aircraft
    воздушное судно, дозаправляемое в полете
    receiver aircraft
    воздушное судно, загруженное не по установленной схеме
    improperly loaded aircraft
    воздушное судно, занесенное в реестр
    aircraft on register
    воздушное судно, идущее впереди
    preceeding aircraft
    воздушное судно, идущее следом
    following aircraft
    воздушное судно, имеющее разрешение на полет
    authorized aircraft
    воздушное судно, исключенное из реестра
    abandoned aircraft
    воздушное судно короткого взлета и посадки
    short takeoff and landing aircraft
    воздушное судно, летящее курсом на восток
    eastbound aircraft
    воздушное судно местных воздушных линий
    commuter-size aircraft
    воздушное судно на подходе
    in-coming aircraft
    воздушное судно - нарушитель
    воздушное судно, находящееся в воздухе
    airborne aircraft
    воздушное судно, находящееся в эксплуатации владельца
    owner-operated aircraft
    воздушное судно, находящееся на встречном курсе
    oncoming aircraft
    воздушное судно небольшой массы
    light aircraft
    воздушное судно, не сертифицированное по шуму
    nonnoise certificate aircraft
    воздушное судно, нуждающееся в помощи
    aircraft requiring assistance
    воздушное судно обнаружения
    (цели) воздушное судно общего назначения
    general-purpose aircraft
    воздушное судно обычной схемы взлета и посадки
    conventional takeoff and landing aircraft
    воздушное судно, оставшееся на плаву
    stayed afloat aircraft
    воздушное судно, отвечающее современным требованиям
    today's aircraft
    воздушное судно первого поколения
    first-generation aircraft
    воздушное судно, получившее разрешение
    cleared aircraft
    воздушное судно по обмену
    interchanged aircraft
    воздушное судно, прибывающее в конечный аэропорт
    terminating aircraft
    воздушное судно, пропавшее без вести
    aircraft in missing
    воздушное судно с верхним расположением крыла
    high-wing aircraft
    воздушное судно с газотурбинными двигателями
    turbine-engined aircraft
    воздушное судно с двумя двигателями
    twin-engined aircraft
    воздушное судно с двумя и более двигателями
    multiengined aircraft
    воздушное судно с неподвижным крылом
    fixed-wing aircraft
    воздушное судно с несущим винтом
    rotary-wing aircraft
    воздушное судно с несущим фюзеляжем
    lift-fuselage aircraft
    воздушное судно с низким расположением крыла
    low-wing aircraft
    воздушное судно, совершающее заход на посадку
    approaching aircraft
    воздушное судно с одним двигателем
    1. one-engined aircraft
    2. single-engined aircraft воздушное судно с одним пилотом
    single-pilot aircraft
    воздушное судно, создающее опасность столкновения
    intruding aircraft
    воздушное судно со складывающимся крылом
    folding wing aircraft
    воздушное судно со средним расположением крыла
    mid-wing aircraft
    воздушное судно с поршневым двигателем
    piston-engined aircraft
    воздушное судно с треугольным крылом
    delta-wing aircraft
    воздушное судно с турбовинтовыми двигателями
    turboprop aircraft
    воздушное судно с турбореактивными двигателями
    turbojet aircraft
    воздушное судно с убранной механизацией крыла
    clean aircraft
    воздушное судно с удлиненным фюзеляжем
    stretched aircraft
    воздушное судно с узким фюзеляжем
    narrow-body aircraft
    воздушное судно с фюзеляжем типовой схемы
    regular-body aircraft
    воздушное судно схемы летающее крыло
    1. all-wing aircraft
    2. tailless aircraft воздушное судно схемы утка
    canard aircraft
    воздушное судно считается пропавшим без вести
    aircraft is considered to be missing
    воздушное судно с экипажем из нескольких человек
    multicrew aircraft
    воздушное судно, терпящее бедствие
    aircraft in distress
    воздушное судно, удовлетворяющее требованиям сохранения окружающей среды
    environmentally attuned aircraft
    воздушное судно укороченного взлета и посадки
    reduced takeoff and landing aircraft
    воздушное такси
    air taxi
    воздушное уплотнение
    air seal
    воздушное уплотнение опоры
    bearing air seal
    воздушные винты противоположного вращения
    contrarotating propellers
    воздушные ворота
    air gate
    воздушные перевозки
    воздушные перевозки большой протяженности
    long-haul service
    воздушные перевозки вертолетом
    rotorcraft operations
    воздушные перевозки малой протяженности
    short-haul service
    воздушные перевозки с большим количеством промежуточных остановок
    multistop service
    воздушные перевозки средней протяженности
    medium-haul service
    воздушные перевозки типа инклюзив тур
    inclusive tour traffic
    воздушный буксир
    воздушный винт
    1. airscrew
    2. prop 3. propeller воздушный винт во флюгерном положении
    feathered propeller
    воздушный винт двусторонней схемы
    doubleacting propeller
    воздушный винт изменяемого шага
    1. adjustable-pitch propeller
    2. variable pitch propeller 3. controllable propeller воздушный винт левого вращения
    left-handed propeller
    воздушный винт на режиме малого газа
    idling propeller
    воздушный винт постоянного числа оборотов
    constant-speed propeller
    воздушный винт правого вращения
    right-handed propeller
    воздушный винт прямой тяги
    direct drive propeller
    воздушный винт с автоматически изменяемым шагом
    automatic pitch propeller
    воздушный винт с автоматической регулировкой
    automatically controllable propeller
    воздушный винт с большим шагом
    high-pitch propeller
    воздушный винт с гидравлическим управлением шага
    hydraulic propeller
    воздушный винт фиксированного шага
    1. constant-pitch propeller
    2. fixed-pitch propeller воздушный дроссель
    throttle air
    воздушный клапан
    air valve
    воздушный кодекс
    air codes
    Воздушный кодекс
    Air laws regulations
    воздушный коллектор
    1. air manifold
    2. air manifold pipe 3. air collector 4. pneumatic manifold воздушный коридор
    air corridor
    воздушный лайнер
    воздушный перевозчик
    air carrier
    воздушный поток
    1. airflow
    2. airstream 3. air flow воздушный радиатор
    air cooler
    воздушный редуктор
    air pressure valve
    воздушный стартер
    air starter
    воздушный тракт
    air flow duct
    воздушный транспорт
    air transport
    воздушный участок
    airborne part
    воздушный участок траектории
    airborne path
    воздушный фильтр
    air filter
    воздушный флот
    air fleet
    возмущение воздушного потока
    air distortion
    восстанавливать воздушное судно
    restore an aircraft
    восходящий воздушный поток
    anabatic wind
    восходящий порыв воздушной массы
    air-up gust
    ВПП для эксплуатации любых типов воздушных судов
    all-service runway
    вращать воздушный винт
    drive a propeller
    вредное воздействие шума от воздушных судов
    aircraft noise pollution
    время прекращения действия ограничения на воздушное движение
    traffic release time
    всепогодное воздушное судно
    all-weather aircraft
    вспомогательная бортовая система воздушного судна
    associated aircraft system
    втулка воздушного винта
    1. propeller hub
    2. airscrew hub 3. airscrew boss входное воздушное устройство
    air inlet section
    (двигателя) вывешивать воздушное судно
    lift an aircraft on
    вывешивать воздушное судно на подъемниках
    jack an aircraft
    выводить воздушное судно из крена
    1. bring the aircraft out
    2. roll out the aircraft выводить воздушное судно из сваливания на крыло
    unstall the aircraft
    выводить воздушное судно на заданный курс
    put the aircraft on the course
    выводить воздушный винт из флюгерного положения
    unfeather the propeller
    выдерживать воздушное судно
    keep the aircraft on
    выдерживать воздушное судно на заданном курсе
    hold the aircraft on the heading
    вылетающее воздушное судно
    1. departing aircraft
    2. originating aircraft 3. outbound aircraft 4. outward aircraft вынужденная посадка воздушного судна на воду
    aircraft ditching
    выполнять работу на воздушном судне
    work on the aircraft
    выполнять этап пробега воздушного судна
    roll on the aircraft
    выравнивать воздушное судно
    1. ease the aircraft on
    2. level the aircraft out выруливать воздушное судно
    lead out the aircraft
    выруливать воздушное судно на исполнительный старт
    line up the aircraft
    высотное воздушное пространство
    specified upper-air layer
    высотный воздушный винт
    altitude propeller
    выставка технического оборудования для обслуживания воздушных судов
    aircraft maintenance engineering exhibition
    вычислитель воздушной скорости
    air-speed computer
    вычислитель воздушных сигналов
    air data computer
    гарантийный срок воздушного судна
    aircraft warranty
    герметизированное воздушное судно
    pressurized aircraft
    герметичность воздушного судна
    aircraft tightness
    гидравлическое управление шагом воздушного винта
    hydraulic propeller pitch control
    гидровариант воздушного судна
    sea aircraft
    гидроподъемник для воздушного судна
    aircraft hydraulic jack
    гиперзвуковое воздушное судно
    hypersonic aircraft
    гироскоп с воздушной опорой осей
    air bearing gyroscope
    Главное агентство воздушных сообщений
    Central Agency of Air Service
    государственная система организации воздушного пространства
    national airspace system
    государственный опознавательный знак воздушного судна
    aircraft nationality mark
    государство - изготовитель воздушного судна
    state of aircraft manufacture
    государство - поставщик воздушного судна
    aircraft provider state
    государство регистрации воздушного судна
    aircraft registry state
    государство - эксплуатант воздушного судна
    aircraft user state
    готовность воздушного судна
    aircraft readiness
    гражданский воздушный транспорт
    civil air transport
    граница зоны управления воздушным движением
    air traffic control boundary
    график воздушного путешествия
    air travel plan
    график движения воздушного транспорта
    air transport movement table
    груз для воздушной перевозки
    air cargo
    грузовое воздушное судно
    1. all-cargo aircraft
    2. air freighter 3. freight aircraft грузовое воздушное судно с откидной носовой частью
    грузопассажирское воздушное судно
    convertible aircraft
    груз, перевозимый воздушным судном
    aircraft freight
    группа прогнозирования воздушного движения
    traffic forecast group
    давать воздушному судну право
    enable the aircraft to
    давать разрешение воздушному судну
    clear the aircraft
    дальность полета воздушного судна
    aircraft range
    данные воздушных перевозок
    traffic summary
    данные о результатах испытаний воздушного судна
    aircraft test data
    дата обнаружения пропавшего воздушного судна
    aircraft recovery date
    датчик воздушной скорости
    1. airspeed sensor
    2. airspeed transmitter датчик воздушных сигналов
    air-data sensor
    движение воздушного судна
    aircraft movement
    двухпалубное воздушное судно
    double-decker aircraft
    двухфюзеляжное воздушное судно
    twin-fuselage aircraft
    действующая воздушная трасса
    effective air path
    держать воздушное судно готовым
    maintain the aircraft at readiness to
    держаться на безопасном расстоянии от воздушного судна
    keep clear of the aircraft
    деформация конструкции воздушного судна
    aircraft structural deformation
    диаграмма воздушных потоков
    air-flow pattern
    диспетчер воздушного движения
    flight dispatcher
    диспетчерский центр управления воздушным движением
    air traffic control center
    диспетчерский центр управления потоком воздушного движения
    flow control center
    диспетчерское обслуживание воздушного пространства
    air control
    диспетчер службы управления воздушным движением
    air traffic controller
    дисплей индикации воздушной обстановки
    air situation display
    дистанционное управление воздушным судном
    flight monitoring
    дозвуковое воздушное судно
    subsonic aircraft
    донесение о состоянии парка воздушных судов
    aircraft status report
    допускать воздушное судно к дальнейшей эксплуатации
    1. consider an aircraft serviceable
    2. return the aircraft to service допуск на массу воздушного судна
    aircraft weight tolerance
    допуск на размеры воздушного судна
    aircraft dimension tolerance
    дорабатывать конструкцию воздушного судна
    after an aircraft
    доработка воздушного судна
    aircraft retrofit
    доход на единицу воздушной перевозки
    revenue per traffic unit
    Европейская группа прогнозирования воздушного движения
    European air traffic forecast Group
    единица воздушной перевозки
    traffic unit
    завихрение воздушной массы
    загруженное воздушное судно
    laden aircraft
    загрузка воздушного судна
    aircraft lading
    заземление воздушного судна
    aircraft earthing
    заказчик воздушного судна
    aircraft customer
    закрытый воздушный винт
    shrouded propeller
    замена парка воздушных судов
    fleet updating
    заменять воздушное судно
    substitute the aircraft
    заменять оборудование воздушного судна
    reequip an aircraft
    заносить воздушное судно в реестр
    enter the aircraft
    запасные части для воздушного судна
    aircraft spare part
    запас прочности воздушного судна
    aircraft reserve factor
    запас топлива воздушного судна
    aircraft fuel quantity
    запас управляемости воздушного судна
    aircraft control margin
    запускать воздушное судно в производство
    put the aircraft into production
    зарегистрированное воздушное пространство
    specified airspace
    зарезервированное воздушное пространство
    reserved airspace
    заруливать воздушное судно
    lead in the aircraft
    заруливать на место стоянки воздушного судна
    enter the aircraft stand
    засветка воздушного судна
    aircraft flash
    засекать воздушное судно
    plot the aircraft
    затормаживать воздушный поток
    bring to rest air
    зафрахтованное воздушное судно
    chartered aircraft
    зачехлять воздушное судно
    cover an aircraft with
    защита воздушного судна от угона
    aircraft hijack protection
    звукоизоляция воздушного судна
    aircraft sound proofing
    зона аэродромного управления воздушным движением
    aerodrome traffic control zone
    зона воздушного барражирования
    air patrol zone
    зона воздушного движения
    traffic zone
    зона воздушного пространства с особым режимом полета
    airspace restricted area
    зона движения воздушных судов
    aerodrome movement area
    зона интенсивного воздушного движения
    congested area
    зона управления воздушным движением
    air traffic control area
    износ воздушного судна
    ageing aircraft
    износостойкий воздушный подшипник
    maintenance-free air bearing
    индикатор наземного движения воздушных судов
    aircraft surface movement indicator
    индикаторная воздушная скорость
    1. rectified airspeed
    2. calibrate airspeed индикация воздушных целей
    air target indication
    инженер по техническому обслуживанию воздушных судов
    aircraft maintenance engineer
    инструкция по загрузке воздушного судна
    aircraft loading instruction
    инструкция по консервации и хранению воздушного судна
    aircraft storage instruction
    инструкция по эксплуатации воздушного судна
    aircraft operating instruction
    интенсивное воздушное движение
    high density air traffic
    интенсивное регулярное воздушное сообщение
    интенсивность воздушного движения
    1. traffic flow rate
    2. air-traffic intensity информация по воздушной трассе
    airway information
    исправленная воздушная скорость
    corrected airspeed
    испытание воздушного судна в термобарокамере
    aircraft environmental test
    испытания воздушного судна на перегрузки
    aircraft acceleration tests
    испытания воздушного судна на переменные нагрузки
    aircraft alternate-stress tests
    испытательная станция воздушных судов
    aircraft test station
    испытываемое воздушное судно
    test aircraft
    исследование конфликтной ситуации в воздушном движении
    air conflict search
    исследовательское воздушное судно
    research aircraft
    истинная воздушная скорость
    true airspeed
    исходная масса пустого воздушного судна
    basic empty weight
    классификационная отметка воздушного судна
    aircraft rating
    классификация воздушных судов
    aircraft classification
    классификация воздушных судов по типам
    aircraft category rating
    кольцевой обтекатель воздушного винта
    airscrew antidrag ring
    кольцо воздушного лабиринтного уплотнения
    air labyrinth seal ring
    командир воздушного судна
    aircraft commander
    комбинированный тип воздушного судна
    complex type of aircraft
    комель лопасти воздушного винта
    propeller blade shank
    Комитет по воздушным перевозкам
    1. Air Transport Committee
    2. Air Transportation Board коммерческая воздушная перевозка
    commercial air transportation
    коммерческие воздушные перевозки
    1. commercial air transport operations
    2. revenue traffic коммерческий воздушный транспорт
    commercial air transport
    коммерческое воздушное судно
    profitable aircraft
    коммерческое реактивное воздушное судно
    commercial jet
    комплексная система контроля воздушного пространства
    integrated system of airspace control
    комплект оборудования для удаления воздушного судна
    aircraft recovery kit
    компоновка воздушного судна
    aircraft layout
    конвенция по управлению воздушным движением
    air traffic convention
    конструкция воздушного судна
    1. aircraft design
    2. aircraft structure консультативная информация о воздушном движении
    traffic advisory information
    консультативное воздушное пространство
    advisory airspace
    консультативное обслуживание верхнего воздушного пространства
    upper advisory service
    консультативное обслуживание воздушного движения
    traffic advisory service
    консультативное сообщение о воздушной обстановке
    traffic advisory
    консультативное сообщение о воздушной обстановке, регистрируемой на первичной РЛС
    traffic advisory against primary radar targets
    Консультативный комитет по управлению воздушным движением
    Air Traffic Control Advisory Committee
    контактное кольцо воздушного винта
    propeller slip ring
    контейнер для перевозки грузов и багажа на воздушном судне
    aircraft container
    контракт на воздушную перевозку
    air carriage contract
    контролируемое воздушное пространство
    controlled airspace
    контролируемое воздушное пространство предназначенное для полетов по приборам
    instrument restricted airspace
    контроль качества изготовления воздушных судов
    aircraft production inspection
    контуры воздушного судна
    aircraft geometry
    конфигурация базовой модели воздушного судна
    baseline aircraft configuration
    концевой выключатель в системе воздушного судна
    aircraft limit switch
    коэффициент загрузки воздушного судна
    aircraft load factor
    коэффициент заполнения воздушного винта
    propeller solidity ratio
    коэффициент использования воздушного судна
    aircraft usability factor
    коэффициент перегрузки воздушного судна
    aircraft acceleration factor
    крен воздушного судна
    1. aircraft heel
    2. aircraft roll 3. aircraft list крутящий момент воздушного винта
    1. propeller torque
    2. airscrew torque крутящий момент воздушного винта в режиме авторотации
    propeller windmill torque
    курс воздушного судна
    1. aircraft course
    2. aircraft heading ламинарность воздушного потока
    flow laminarity
    легкоуправляемое воздушное судно
    handy aircraft
    летательный аппарат на воздушной подушке
    air-cushion vehicle
    летать на воздушном судне
    fly by an aircraft
    летно-технические характеристики воздушного судна
    aircraft performances
    линия заруливания воздушного судна на стоянку
    aircraft stand lead-in line
    линия положения воздушного судна
    aircraft position line
    линия руления воздушного судна в зоне стоянки
    aircraft stand taxilane
    линия технологического разъема воздушного судна
    aircraft production break line
    лицензированное воздушное судно
    licensed aircraft
    лопасть воздушного винта
    propeller blade
    л управления шагом воздушного винта
    propeller pitch control system
    магистральная воздушная линия
    магистральная воздушная трасса
    trunk route
    макет воздушного судна
    aircraft mockup
    малошумное воздушное судно
    low annoyance aircraft
    малошумный воздушный винт
    silenced tractor propeller
    маневренность воздушного судна
    aircraft manoeuvrability
    маркировка места стоянки воздушного судна
    aircraft stand marking
    маршрут верхнего воздушного пространства
    upper air route
    маршрут вне воздушной трассы
    off-airway route
    маршрут нижнего воздушного пространства
    low air route
    маршрутный лист воздушного путешествия
    air travel card
    маршрут, обслуживаемый службой воздушного движения
    air traffic service route
    маршрут перегонки воздушных судов
    air ferry route
    маршрут управления воздушным движением
    ATC route
    масса пустого воздушного судна
    1. base weight
    2. empty weight 3. aircraft empty weight масса пустого воздушного судна при поставке
    delivery empty weight
    масса снаряженного воздушного судна без пассажиров
    aircraft operational weight
    мастерская капитального ремонта воздушных судов
    aircraft overhaul shop
    Международная ассоциация воздушного транспорта
    International Air Transport
    Международный совет ассоциаций владельцев воздушных судов и пилотов
    International Council of Aircraft Owner and Pilot Associations
    местный воздушный вихрь
    local whirlwind
    место загрузки воздушного судна
    aircraft's loading position
    место остановки воздушного судна
    aircraft stand
    местоположение воздушного судна
    aircraft fix
    место стоянки воздушного судна
    1. aircraft parking place
    2. aircraft's parking position место стоянки воздушного судна носом к аэровокзалу
    nose-in aircraft stand
    место стоянки воздушного судна хвостом к аэровокзалу
    nose-out aircraft stand
    место установки домкрата для подъема воздушного судна
    aircraft jacking point
    механизм реверса воздушного винта
    propeller reverser
    механизм реверса воздушного потока вентилятора
    fan jet reverser
    механизм реверсирования воздушного винта
    airscrew reversing gear
    механизм синхронизации работы воздушного винта
    propeller synchronization mechanism
    минимум воздушного судна
    aircraft minima
    минимум командира воздушного судна
    pilot-in-command minima
    многоцелевое воздушное судно
    1. multipurpose aircraft
    2. all-purpose aircraft многоцелевое реактивное воздушное судно
    all-purpose jetliner
    моделирование воздушного движения
    art traffic simulation
    модель воздушного судна
    aircraft model
    модифицированное воздушное судно
    1. derived aircraft
    2. modified aircraft моечная установка для воздушных судов
    aircraft washing plant
    монтировать на воздушном судне
    install on the aircraft
    наблюдение за воздушным пространством
    air observation
    наблюдение с борта воздушного судна
    aircraft observation
    надежность воздушного судна
    aircraft reliability
    направление воздушного потока
    airflow direction
    направлять воздушное судно против ветра
    head the aircraft into wind
    нарушение воздушного пространства
    air intrusion
    нарушение поперечной центровки воздушного судна
    aircraft lateral inbalance
    наставление по управлению воздушным движением
    air traffic guide
    негерметизированное воздушное судно
    unpressurized aircraft
    незаконно захваченное воздушное судно
    unlawfully seized aircraft
    незаконный захват воздушного судна
    aircraft unlawful seizure
    неконтролируемое воздушное пространство
    uncontrolled airspace
    неполная загрузка воздушного судна
    aircraft underloading
    неремонтопригодное воздушное судно
    irrepairable aircraft
    несбалансированное воздушное судно
    out-of-balance aircraft
    несбалансированный воздушный винт
    out-of-balance propeller
    нестандартный тип воздушного судна
    inconventional type of aircraft
    неуправляемость воздушного судна
    aircraft uncontrollability
    нивелировочная точка воздушного судна
    aircraft leveling point
    нижнее воздушное пространство
    1. lower airspace
    2. low air area нисходящий воздушный поток
    1. katabatic wind
    2. fall wind нисходящий порыв воздушной массы
    air-down gust
    носовая часть воздушного судна
    aircraft nose section
    обеспечение эшелонирования полетов воздушных судов
    aircraft separation assurance
    облегченный воздушный винт
    lower pitch propeller
    обледенение воздушного судна
    aircraft icing
    обмен воздушными судами
    aircraft interchange
    обнаружение и удаление воздушного судна
    aircraft recovery
    обозначение места остановки воздушного судна
    aircraft stand identification
    обозначенное воздушное пространство
    designated airspace
    оборот парка воздушных судов
    aircraft fleet turnover
    оборудование воздушных трасс
    airways facilities
    оборудование для обслуживания воздушного судна
    aircraft servicing equipment
    оборудование места стоянки воздушного судна
    aircraft parking equipment
    оборудовать воздушное судно
    1. equip an aircraft with
    2. fit an aircraft with обратное вращение воздушного винта
    airscrew reverse rotation
    обслуживание воздушного судна
    aircraft servicing
    обтекатель втулки воздушного винта
    propeller dome
    общий вид воздушного судна
    aircraft main view
    общий налет на определенном типе воздушного судна
    on-type flight experience
    общий поток воздушных перевозок
    general traffic
    объем воздушных перевозка в тоннах груза
    airlift tonnage
    объем воздушных перевозок
    1. traffic handling capacity
    2. lift capacity 3. air traffic performance ограничение воздушного пространства
    airspace restriction
    ограничение потока воздушного движения
    flow restriction
    ограничения на воздушных трассах
    air rote limitations
    ограниченное воздушное пространство
    restricted airspace
    одноместное воздушное судно
    single-seater aircraft
    околозвуковое воздушное судно
    transonic aircraft
    окружная скорость законцовки воздушного винта
    propeller tip speed
    окружная скорость лопасти воздушного винта
    airscrew blade speed
    опознавание воздушного судна
    aircraft identification
    опознавательный знак места стоянки воздушного судна
    aircraft stand identification sign
    опознавать воздушное судно
    identify the aircraft
    определение местонахождения воздушного судна по звездам
    определять границы воздушного пространства
    to define the airspace
    определять зону полета воздушного судна
    space the aircraft
    опытный вариант воздушного судна
    1. prototype aircraft
    2. preproduction aircraft 3. aircraft prototype 4. experimental aircraft орган обеспечения безопасности на воздушном транспорте
    aviation security authority
    осветительное оборудование воздушного судна
    aircraft electrification
    осевая линия воздушного судна
    aircraft center line
    основной вариант воздушного судна
    basic aircraft
    основной режим воздушного пространства
    dominant air mode
    основные технические данные воздушного судна
    aircraft basic specifications
    остановка воздушного судна
    aircraft stop
    ось симметрии воздушного судна
    aircraft axis
    отбалансированное воздушное судно
    отказ электросистемы воздушного судна
    aircraft electrical failure
    открытый воздушный винт
    unshrouded propeller
    отметка местоположения воздушного судна
    aircraft position
    относительная воздушная скорость
    relative airspeed
    отрицательная тяга воздушного винта
    propeller drag
    отрывать воздушное судно от земли
    1. unstick the aircraft
    2. make the aircraft airborne отрывать переднюю опору шасси воздушного судна
    rotate the aircraft
    отчет о воздушных перевозках
    traffic report
    очаг пожара на воздушном судне
    aircraft fire point
    парк воздушных судов
    aircraft fleet
    парковать воздушное судно
    park an aircraft
    парковка воздушного судна
    aircraft parking
    пассажирские воздушные перевозки
    passenger operations
    пассажирское воздушное судно
    passenger aircraft
    патрульное воздушное судно
    patrol aircraft
    пеленг воздушного судна
    aircraft bearing
    пеленгование воздушного судна
    aircraft setting
    переводить воздушное судно в горизонтальный полет
    put the aircraft over
    перевозимый на воздушном шаре
    перегружать воздушное движение
    overflow air traffic
    перегруженное воздушное судно
    overweight aircraft
    передача воздушного судна
    aircraft blind transmission
    передача информации о воздушном движении
    traffic information broadcast
    передача управления воздушным судном
    aircraft control transfer
    переоборудовать воздушное судно
    convert an aircraft
    пересечение воздушных трасс
    intersection of air routes
    перехват гражданского воздушного судна
    interception of civil aircraft
    персонал диспетчерской службы воздушного движения
    traffic control personnel
    перспектива развития парка воздушных судов
    fleet development
    пилотировать воздушное судно
    fly the aircraft
    пилотируемое воздушное судно
    manned aircraft
    пилот, управляющий воздушным судном
    pilot on the controls
    план восстановления воздушного судна
    aircraft recovery plan
    планетарный редуктор воздушного винта
    propeller planetary gear
    планирование воздушного судна по спирали
    aircraft spiral glide
    план развития воздушных перевозок
    air plan
    плотность воздушного движения
    air traffic density
    плотность размещения кресел на воздушном судне
    aircraft seating density
    площадь, ометаемая воздушным винтом
    propeller disk area
    пневматическая система воздушного судна
    aircraft pneumatic system
    поведение воздушного судна
    aircraft behavior
    повреждать конструкцию воздушного судна
    damage aircraft structure
    поврежденное воздушное судно
    damaged aircraft
    подача топлива в систему воздушного судна
    aircraft fuel supply
    подниматься на борт воздушного судна
    board an aircraft
    позывной код воздушного судна
    aircraft call sign
    поисково-спасательное воздушное судно
    1. rescue aircraft
    2. search and rescue aircraft поисковый радиолокатор воздушных судов
    air-search radar
    покидать воздушное судно
    1. ball
    2. abandon an aircraft покидать данное воздушное пространство
    leave the airspace
    поколение воздушных судов
    aircraft generation
    полезная нагрузка воздушного судна
    aircraft useful load
    полетный лист воздушного судна
    aircraft flight report
    полет, открывающий воздушное сообщение
    inaugural flight
    полет с частного воздушного судна
    private flight
    полеты воздушных судов
    aircraft flying
    полеты гражданских воздушных судов
    civil air operations
    полеты по воздушным трассам
    airways flying
    пол кабины воздушного судна
    aircraft deck
    полномасштабная модель воздушного судна
    full-scalle aircraft
    положение в воздушном пространстве
    air position
    поломка воздушного судна
    aircraft wreck
    полоса воздушных подходов
    approach funnel
    по оси воздушного судна
    on aircraft center line
    поправка на воздушную скорость
    airspeed compensation
    порыв воздушной массы
    air gust
    посадка воздушного судна
    aircraft landing
    посадка с неработающим воздушным винтом
    dead-stick landing
    поставка воздушных судов
    aircraft delivery
    поставлять воздушное судно
    vend an aircraft
    потеря воздушной цели
    потеря тяги при скольжении воздушного винта
    airscrew slip loss
    потеря управляемости воздушного судна
    aircraft control loss
    поток воздушного движения
    flow of air traffic
    поток воздушных перевозок через аэропорт
    airport traffic flow
    почтовое воздушное судно
    mail-carrying aircraft
    поэтапные воздушные перевозки
    1. flight-stage traffic
    2. traffic by flight stage правила воздушного движения
    air traffic procedures
    правила обслуживания воздушного движения
    air traffic services procedures
    правила управления воздушным движением
    1. air traffic control procedures
    2. traffic control regulations 3. traffic control instructions предварительный старт для нескольких воздушных судов
    multiple-holding position
    предел коммерческой загрузки воздушного судна
    aircraft capacity range
    преднамеренное отклонение воздушного судна
    aircraft intentional swerve
    предоставлять права на воздушные перевозки
    grant traffic privileges
    предполагаемое повреждение воздушного судна
    suspected aircraft damage
    предприятие - поставщик воздушных судов
    aircraft supplier
    предупреждать воздушное судно
    warn the aircraft
    прекращать контроль воздушного судна
    release the aircraft
    приборная воздушная скорость
    1. basic airspeed
    2. indicated airspeed приборное оборудование воздушного судна
    aircraft hardware
    прибор предупреждения столкновений воздушных судов
    aircraft anticollision device
    прибывающее воздушное судно
    1. arriving aircraft
    2. inbound aircraft 3. inward aircraft приводить воздушное судно в состояние летной годности
    return an aircraft to flyable status
    пригодность для полета на местных воздушных линиях
    local availability
    приемник воздушного давления
    1. airspeed boom
    2. airspeed head 3. Pilot tube boom 4. airspeed tube приземлять воздушное судно
    land the aircraft
    причина неисправности воздушного судна
    cause of aircraft trouble
    проводить доработку воздушного судна
    aircraft embody
    проворачивать воздушный винт
    wind up
    прогноз для верхнего воздушного пространства
    upper-air forecast
    продолжительность обслуживания воздушного судна
    aircraft service period
    производство воздушных судов
    aircraft production
    происшествие на территории государства регистрации воздушного судна
    domestic accident
    происшествие с воздушным судном
    accident to an aircraft
    пропавшее воздушное судно
    missing aircraft
    пропускная способность воздушного пространства
    airspace capacity
    просадка воздушного судна
    aircraft mush
    прямое воздушное сообщение
    through air service
    пункт обслуживания воздушного движения
    air traffic services unit
    пункт управления воздушным движением
    air traffic control unit
    рабочая часть лопасти воздушного винта
    blade pressure side
    радиозондовое наблюдение за состоянием воздушных масс
    rawinsonde observation
    радиолокатор управления воздушным движением
    air traffic control radar
    разворот воздушного судна
    aircraft pivoting
    разгерметизация воздушного судна
    aircraft decompression
    разгруженное воздушное судно
    unladen aircraft
    раздвоенный воздушный тракт
    bifurcated air bypass duct
    раздражающее воздействие шума от воздушного суд
    aircraft noise annoyance
    размещать в воздушном судне
    fill an aircraft with
    размещать воздушное судно
    1. accommodate an aircraft
    2. house an aircraft размещение воздушных судно на стоянке
    parking arrangement
    разрешение воздушному судну
    clearance of the aircraft
    разрешение на выполнение воздушных перевозок
    operating permit
    разрешение на эксплуатацию воздушной линии
    route license
    разрешение службы управления воздушным движением
    air traffic control clearance
    район воздушных трасс
    air-route area
    район полетов верхнего воздушного пространства
    upper flight region
    раскачивание воздушного судна
    aircraft overswinging
    распределение воздушного пространства
    air spacing
    (для обеспечения контроля полетов) распределение загрузки воздушного судна
    aircraft load distribution
    расстояние от воздушного судна до объекта на земле
    air-to-ground distance
    расфлюгирование воздушного судна
    propeller unfeathering
    расход топлива воздушным судном
    aircraft fuel consumption
    расходы на аренду воздушного судна
    aircraft rental costs
    расчетная воздушная скорость
    design airspeed
    расчетное положение воздушного судна
    estimated position of aircraft
    расчетный предел нагрузки воздушного судна
    aircraft design load
    реактивное воздушное судно
    1. jet aircraft
    2. jet 3. jetliner реактивное воздушное судно для обслуживания местных авиалиний
    реактивное воздушное судно с низким расходом топлива
    economical-to-operate jetliner
    реверсивный воздушный винт
    1. negative thrust propeller
    2. reversible-pitch propeller регистратор воздушной скорости
    air-speed recorder
    регистрация воздушного судна
    aircraft registration
    регистрировать воздушное судно
    register the aircraft
    регулярное воздушное сообщение
    regular airline service
    регулярные воздушные перевозки
    scheduled air service
    регулятор оборотов воздушного винта
    propeller governor
    регулятор числа оборотов воздушного винта
    propeller control unit
    редуктор воздушного винта
    1. propeller gearbox
    2. airscrew reduction gear 3. propeller gear режим воздушного потока в заборнике воздуха
    inlet airflow schedule
    резервирование воздушного пространства
    airspace reservation
    резервное воздушное судно
    standby aircraft
    резервное оборудование воздушного судна
    aircraft standby facilities
    рейс с гражданского воздушного судна
    civil flight
    рекламный проспект воздушного судна
    aircraft leaflet
    ремонт воздушного судна
    aircraft overhaul
    ремонт оборудования воздушного судна
    aircraft equipment overhaul
    ресурсные испытания воздушного судна
    aircraft endurance tests
    руководство по полетам воздушных судов гражданской авиации
    civil air regulations
    руководство по технической эксплуатации воздушного судна
    aircraft maintenance guide
    рулящее воздушное судно
    taxiing aircraft
    санитарное воздушное судно
    1. ambulance aircraft
    2. hospital aircraft санитарный контроль воздушных судов
    aircraft sanitary control
    сбалансированное воздушное судно
    balanced aircraft
    сборник пассажирских тарифов на воздушную перевозку
    Air Passenger Tariff
    сборочный стапель воздушного судна
    aircraft assembly jig
    сверхзвуковое воздушное судно
    supersonic aircraft
    сверхзвуковой воздушный транспорт
    supersonic transport
    свойственный воздушному судну
    inherent in the aircraft
    себестоимость воздушного судна
    aircraft cost level
    себестоимость производства воздушного судна
    aircraft first cost
    сектор воздушного пространства
    airspace segment
    Секция аэродромов, воздушных трасс и наземных средств
    Aerodromes, Air Routes and Ground Aids Section
    (ИКАО) Секция исследования воздушного транспорта
    Air Transport Studies Section
    (ИКАО) Секция тарифов воздушных перевозчиков
    Air Carrier Tariffs Section
    (ИКАО) серийный вариант воздушного судна
    production aircraft
    серия воздушных судов
    aircrafts batch
    сертификат воздушного судна
    aircraft certificate
    сертификат воздушного судна по шуму
    aircraft noise certificate
    сеть воздушных трасс
    air route network
    сигнал между воздушными судами в полете
    air-to-air signal
    система воздушного наблюдения
    air surveillance system
    система воздушного охлаждения
    air cooling system
    система воздушных тормозов
    air brake system
    система измерения посадочных параметров воздушного судна
    aircraft landing measurement system
    система обогрева воздушного судна
    aircraft heating system
    система оповещения о воздушном движении
    traffic alert system
    система опознавания воздушного судна
    aircraft identification system
    система предупредительной сигнализации воздушного судна
    aircraft warning system
    система приемника воздушного давления
    pitot-static system
    система сбора воздушных параметров
    flight environment data system
    (условий полета) система сбора воздушных сигналов
    air data computer system
    система управления воздушным движением
    air traffic control system
    система управления воздушным судном
    aircraft control system
    система управления воздушным судном при установке на стоянку
    approach guidance nose-in to stand system
    система флюгирования воздушного винта
    propeller feathering system
    скоростное воздушное судно
    high-speed aircraft
    скорость воздушного судна
    aircraft speed
    скорость движения воздушной массы
    air velocity
    служба воздушного движения
    air traffic service
    служба воздушных сообщений
    airways and air communications service
    служба управления воздушным движением
    air traffic control service
    служебное воздушное судно
    1. business aircraft
    2. baseline aircraft смешанная воздушная перевозка
    intermodal air carriage
    снаряженное воздушное судно
    topped-up aircraft
    снижать высоту полета воздушного судна
    push the aircraft down
    снижать скорость воздушного судна до
    decelerate the aircraft to
    снятие воздушного судна с эксплуатации
    aircraft removal from service
    совершать посадку на борт воздушного судна
    join an aircraft
    согласование объемов воздушных перевозок
    traffic flow arrangement
    соглашение между авиакомпаниями об аренде воздушных судов
    airlines leasing arrangement
    соглашение об обмене воздушными суднами
    intercharged aircraft agreement
    соглашение о воздушном сообщении
    air transport agreement
    создавать опасность для воздушного судна
    endanger the aircraft
    сообщение о положении воздушного судна
    aircraft position report
    соосный воздушный винт
    coaxial propeller
    сопровождать воздушное судно
    follow up the aircraft
    сопротивление движению воздушного судна
    rolling resistance
    сопротивление скольжению воздушного судна
    aircraft skidding drag
    состояние готовности воздушного судна к вылету
    aircraft alert position
    спасательное воздушное судно
    survival craft
    специалист по ремонту воздушных судов
    aircraft repairman
    списание воздушного судна
    1. retirement of aircraft
    2. aircraft supersedeas спортивное воздушное судно
    sports aircraft
    спутная струя за воздушным винтом
    airscrew wash
    спутная струя за воздушным судном
    aircraft wake
    спутный след воздушного судна
    aircraft trail
    средства эвакуации воздушного судна
    aircraft evacuation means
    срок службы воздушного судна
    aircraft age
    срыв воздушного потока
    airflow breakdown
    ставить воздушный винт во флюгерное положение
    feather the propeller
    ставить воздушный винт на полетный упор
    latch the propeller flight stop
    ставить воздушный винт на упор
    latch a propeller
    стапель для сборки воздушного судна
    aircraft fixture
    статистическая сводка воздушных перевозок
    traffic flow summary
    стационарная установка для обслуживания воздушного судна
    aircraft servicing installation
    стенд балансировки воздушных винтов
    propeller balancing stand
    степень вентиляции кабины воздушного судна
    aircraft ventilation rate
    степень износа воздушного судна
    aircraft wearout rate
    столкновение воздушного судна
    aircraft impact
    столкновение воздушных судов
    aircrafts impingement
    столкновение птиц с воздушным судном
    bird strike to an air craft
    стопорить воздушный винт
    brake the propeller
    стравливать воздушную пробку
    bleed air
    страгивание воздушного судна
    aircraft breakaway
    страхование воздушного судна
    aircraft insurance
    судно на воздушной подушке
    сухой вес воздушного судна
    dry weight
    сухопутное воздушное судно
    land aircraft
    существенно поврежденное воздушное судно
    substantially dameged aircraft
    схема воздушного движения
    air traffic pattern
    схема воздушного поиска
    aerial search pattern
    схема воздушной обстановки
    air plot
    схема загрузки воздушного судна
    1. aircraft loading diagram
    2. aircraft loading chart схема обслуживания воздушного движения
    air traffic service chart
    таблица поправок воздушной скорости
    air-speed calibration card
    тарировка указателя воздушной скорости
    air-speed indicator calibration
    тариф на воздушную перевозку пассажира
    air fare
    тариф при регулярной воздушной перевозки
    regular fare
    температура возмущенной воздушной массы
    static air temperature
    техническая аптечка воздушного судна
    aircraft repair kit
    технология технического обслуживания воздушного судна
    aircraft maintenance practice
    тип воздушного судна
    aircraft type
    толкающий воздушный винт
    pusher propeller
    топливо без воздушных пузырьков
    bubble-free fuel
    тормоз воздушного винта
    propeller brake
    тормозная характеристика воздушного судна
    1. aircraft stopping performance
    2. aircraft braking performance точка швартовки воздушного судна
    aircraft tie-down point
    точно опознавать воздушное судно
    properly identify the aircraft
    транспортное воздушное судно
    1. transport aircraft
    2. heavy aircraft транспортные средства для обслуживания воздушного судна
    aircraft service truck's
    трафарет ограничения воздушной скорости
    airspeed placard
    тренажер воздушного судна
    aircraft simulator
    тренировочное воздушное судно
    practice aircraft
    туннельный воздушный винт
    ducting propeller
    турбовинтовое реактивное воздушное судно
    prop jet
    турбулентный след за воздушным винтом
    propeller wake
    тяга воздушного винта
    1. propeller thrust
    2. airscrew propulsion тянущий воздушный винт
    tractor propeller
    убирать механизацию крыла воздушного судна
    clean the aircraft
    угол входа воздушной массы
    angle of indraft
    угол удара воздушного судна
    aircraft impact angle
    угол установки лопасти воздушного винта
    1. airscrew blade incidence
    2. propeller incidence угон воздушного судна
    удаление воздушного судна
    removal of aircraft
    удаление воздушной пробки
    удалять воздушное судно
    remove the aircraft
    узловой район воздушного движения
    air traffic hub
    указания по управлению воздушным движением
    air-traffic control instruction
    указатель воздушной скорости
    1. airspeed indicator
    2. airspeed instrument указатель воздушной трассы
    airway designator
    указатель индикаторной воздушной скорости
    calibrated airspeed indicator
    указатель положения воздушного судна
    1. aircraft reference symbol
    (на шкале навигационного прибора) 2. aircraft position indicator укомплектованное воздушное судно
    entire aircraft
    уменьшение мощности двигателей воздушного судна
    aircraft power reduction
    уменьшение ограничений в воздушных перевозках
    air transport facilitation
    универсальное реактивное воздушное судно
    go anywhere jetliner
    управление воздушным движением
    1. traffic control
    2. air traffic control управление воздушным движением на трассе полета
    airways control
    управление воздушным судном
    aircraft handling
    управление потоком воздушного движения
    air traffic flow management
    управление шагом воздушного винта
    propeller pitch control
    управляемое воздушное судно
    1. the aircraft under command
    2. under command aircraft управляемость воздушного судна
    aircraft sensitivity
    управлять воздушным судном
    1. control the aircraft
    2. steer the aircraft уровень безопасности полетов воздушного судна
    aircraft safety factor
    условия выполнения воздушных перевозок
    air traffic environment
    условия обтекания воздушным потоком
    airflow conditions
    условия при высокой плотности воздушного движения
    high density traffic environment
    условно прозрачный вид воздушного судна
    aircraft phantom view
    усталостный ресурс воздушного судна
    aircraft fatigue life
    устанавливать воздушное судно
    1. place the aircraft
    2. align the aircraft устанавливать воздушное судно по оси
    align the aircraft with the center line
    устанавливать воздушное судно по оси ВПП
    align the aircraft with the runway
    устанавливать на борту воздушного судна
    install in the aircraft
    устанавливать наличие воздушной пробки в системе
    determine air in a system
    устанавливать шаг воздушного винта
    set the propeller pitch
    установившееся обтекание крыла воздушным потоком
    steady airflow about the wing
    установка шага лопасти воздушного винта
    propeller pitch setting
    установленное повреждение воздушного судна
    known aircraft damage
    установленный на воздушном судне
    устаревшая модель воздушного судна
    outdated aircraft
    устойчивость воздушной массы
    air stability
    устойчивый воздушный поток
    stable air
    утяжелять воздушный винт
    move the blades to higher
    учебное воздушное судно
    school aircraft
    учебно-тренировочное воздушное судно
    training aircraft
    фактическая воздушная скорость
    actual airspeed
    фактическое положение воздушного судна
    aircraft's present position
    фиксатор шага лопасти воздушного винта
    propeller pitch lock
    фирма по производству воздушных судов
    aircraft company
    флюгирование воздушного винта
    propeller feathering
    флюгируемый воздушный винт
    feathering propeller
    формуляр воздушного винта
    propeller record
    фрахтовать воздушное судно
    charter an aircraft
    цельнометаллическое воздушное судно
    all-metal aircraft
    Центральное управление международных воздушных сообщений гражданской авиации
    General Department of International Air Services of Aeroflot
    центр обеспечения воздушной связи
    air communication center
    центровка воздушного судна
    aircraft center - of - gravity
    центровочный график воздушного судна
    aircraft balance diagram
    цех технического обслуживания воздушных судов
    aircraft maintenance division
    цикл управления воздушным движением
    air traffic control loop
    цилиндр управления воздушными тормозами
    air-brake jack
    челночное воздушное сообщение
    shuttle service
    четырехлопастный воздушный винт
    four-bladed propeller
    шаг воздушного винта
    propeller pitch
    швартовать воздушное судно
    moor the aircraft
    швартовка груза на воздушном судне
    aircraft cargo lashing
    широкофюзеляжное воздушное судно
    wide-body aircraft
    широкофюзеляжное реактивное воздушное судно
    1. wide-bodied jet
    2. jumbo jet широта местонахождения воздушного судна
    aircraft fix latitude
    школа подготовки специалистов по управлению воздушным движением
    air traffic school
    штанга приемника воздушного давления
    airspeed mast
    эвакуация воздушного судна с места аварии
    aircraft salvage
    эволюция воздушного судна
    aircraft evolution
    эквивалентная воздушная скорость
    equivalent airspeed
    экипаж воздушного судна
    crew team
    экран изображения воздушной обстановки
    air display
    эксперт по обслуживанию воздушного движения
    air traffic services expert
    эксплуатационная дальность полета воздушного судна
    aircraft operational range
    эксплуатационная технологичность воздушного судна
    aircraft maintenance performance
    эксплуатационные испытания воздушного судна
    aircraft commissioning tests
    эксплуатационные расходы на воздушное судно
    aircraft operating expenses
    эксплуатация воздушного судна
    1. aircraft operation
    2. operation of aircraft 3. aircraft employment эксплуатировать воздушное судно
    1. operate an aircraft
    2. engage in aircraft operation эксплуатируемое воздушное судно
    1. active aircraft
    2. in-service aircraft 3. aircraft in service электрическое управление шагом воздушного винта
    electric propeller pitch control
    электропроводка воздушного судна
    aircraft lead
    электропроводка высокого напряжения на воздушном судне
    aircraft high tension wiring
    электропроводка низкого напряжения на воздушном судне
    aircraft low tension wiring
    электросистема воздушного судна
    aircraft electric system
    элемент конструкции воздушного судна
    aircraft component
    энергия порыва воздушной массы
    gust load
    эффект воздушной подушки
    air cushion effect
    эшелонирование полетов воздушных судов
    aircraft spacing
    эшелонировать воздушное судно
    separate the aircraft

    Русско-английский авиационный словарь > воздушный

См. также в других словарях:

  • Central European Time — Time zones of Europe: blue Western European Time (UTC+0) Western European Summer Time (UTC+01:00) light blue …   Wikipedia

  • Central European Time — noun One of the standard times used in Europe, being 1 hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (abbrev CET) • • • Main Entry: ↑centre * * * ˌCentral Euroˈpean Time 7 [Central European Time] noun …   Useful english dictionary

  • Central European Time — Europäische Zeitzonen: blau Westeuropäische Zeit (= UTC) rot …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Central European Time — ( CET) Euroclear Clearing and Settlement glossary The legal standard time of many Central European countries applied during the winter, where the standard time equals the Coordinated Universal Time + 1 hour. Euroclear Clearing and Settlement… …   Financial and business terms

  • Central European Time — Heure normale d Europe centrale Fuseau horaire en Europe: bleu WET UTC+0 WEST …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Central european time — Heure normale d Europe centrale Fuseau horaire en Europe: bleu WET UTC+0 WEST …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Central European Time — (CET) The legal standard time of many Central European countries applied during the winter, where the standard time equals the Coordinated Universal Time + 1 hour …   Euroclear glossary

  • Central European Time — time zone used by most countries in mainland Europe (1 hour ahead of Greenwich Mean Time), CET …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Central European Time — noun the time of day in the time zone that encompasses many countries in Western Europe, Central Europe, Eastern Europe, Scandinavia and North Africa. Syn: West Africa Time …   Wiktionary

  • Central Standard Time — Weltkarte mit Zeitzonen Eine Zeitzone ist ein Abschnitt der Erdoberfläche, auf dem zu einem gegebenen Zeitpunkt dieselbe Uhrzeit und dasselbe Datum gelten. Bei der Bildung der Zeitzonen besteht das Bestreben, einerseits den Tag am Gang der Sonne… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Central European Time — …   Википедия

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